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| 2005-09-24 12:35 - Respuestas: 0 - Tema nº: 43199
Estoy probando un programa llamado, cFosSpeed. La verdad, mejora bastante la navegación cuando estamos descargando algún archivo. El problema, es que hay que calibrarlo correctamente, para aprovecharlo al máximo. Como mi nivel de inglés, no es demasiado alto, a ver si hay alguien por ahí que me pueda traducir/explicar, las instrucciones de calibración. Muchas gracias.
How do I optimally calibrate cFos / cFosSpeed?
Clear the traffic shaping data by clicking on "clear calibration data"
Make a short full-speed download. (5-10 seconds)
Make a longer full-speed upload (30 sec - 1 min).
It is important that this upload is as fast as possible, i.e. that the server you're sending to is near and powerful (like your mail server or some fast FTP server). moreover, it is important that you have no downloads running while you do this upload. with an upstream of 256 kbit/s you need to send some 2 mbyte to the other side.
That's it. The connection is well calibrated if you have a full-blast upload and still have low ping times (both can be watched in the status window).
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