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You have a security problem

2008-10-12 03:13 - Respuestas: 2 - Tema nº: 2547152

Características: Windows XP Home core 2 duo, 160gb.

como quito el aviso you have a security problem de la barra de inicio?

Posibles soluciones:
You have a security problemYou have a security problem
You have a security problemYou have a security problem
You have a security problem!You have a security problem!
You have a security problem!You have a security problem!
Virus (you have a security problem)Virus (you have a security problem)

Re: You have a security problem - 2008-10-12 03:17 - Respuesta 2

activando tu windows en microsoft .......en algunas ocaciones con un buen antivirus...

Re: You have a security problem - 2008-10-12 10:29 - Respuesta 3

Descarga, instala y ejecuta este programa: Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1.2


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