unformat | |
| 2008-08-23 14:14 - Respuestas: 0 - Tema nº: 2537838
Características: Windows XP Profesional pentium 4 200 gigas de disco.....
Hola; quiero poner en mi pagina web chat de consultas y he elegido este HelpCenter Live, que creo que esta bien ¿como lo instalo en mi pagina? , que necesito.(Programas para ejecutar los archivos .php) he estado leyendo las instrucciones, pero no las comprendo.
Pre-install instructions:
* Make sure you have PHP 4.3.2 or greater installed
* Make sure you have MySQL 1.3 or greater installed
* Make sure you have created a database for HCL(note database name, user name, and password)
* Begin by downloading the HCL Core files.
* Unzip the files on your local machine
* If you have safe_mode on, change the config setting $conf[\'safe_mode\'] to true in the config.php file
* Upload the entire \'hcl\' directory (you can re-name the directory if you wish)
* CHMOD /config.php to 777
* CHMOD /icons/ to 777
* CHMOD /compile/ to 777
* CHMOD /cache/ to 777
* You will need to make sure you have a MySQL database available for installation.
* Open you browser and go to the setup directory e.g. http://www.YOURWEBSITE.com/hcl/setup
* Follow the instructions.
After install: You may edit the config.php file (download and edit, then reupload) to set various options. In the future this file will be depreciated and no settings will actually be contained in it.
Esta es la pagina: ********************
Gracias por adelantado!!
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[Mensaje editado por Fuliazo con fecha: 23-08-2008 14:46:57]. | |