Cralos2000 | |
| 2007-07-23 03:56 - Respuestas: 0 - Tema nº: 2458515
Características: Windows Vista, 2GB, AMD Turion 64 x2, 160, HP Pavilin DV2315.
tengo un hp pavilion y al iniciar la maquina sale un mensaje de windows vista:
Checing file system on c:
the type of file system is NTFS.
one of your disks needs to be cheked for consystency. you may cancel the disk check, but it is strongly recomended that you continue.
inicio pero se detiene en el 1% y no ocurre nada:
chkdsk is verifying files (satage1 a of 3)...
1 percent complete. (30973 of 209728 file records processed)
de antemano muchas gracias.
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