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Como hacer correr el programa call duty 1

2007-06-07 16:55 - Respuestas: 0 - Tema nº: 2451930

Características: Windows XP Profesional, 762 DDR2,PRO3.4ghz Pentiun(D),65Gb. video7100gforce .

buen dia:
tengo problemas con el juego lo instalo le doy jugar individual carga la presentacion, nueva partida comienza a cargar luego se cae y sale un error de window error fatal unsupported maker type 0axx. yla consilo del juego me dice. ya he bajado los driver de la tarjeta 7100 ge force nvidia, lo he reinstalado, le instale el parche 1.5
Parsing menu file:ui/options_performance.menu
Parsing menu file:ui/options_driverinfo.menu
Parsing menu file:ui/options_credits.menu
Parsing menu file:ui/options_control_defaults.menu
Parsing menu file:ui/options_graphics_defaults.menu
Parsing menu file:ui/connect.menu
Parsing menu file:ui/quit.menu
Parsing menu file:ui/vid_restart.menu
Parsing menu file:ui/language_restart.menu
Parsing menu file:ui/snd_restart.menu
Parsing menu file:ui/rec_restart.menu
Parsing menu file:ui/error.menu
Parsing menu file:ui/save_load.menu
Parsing menu file:ui/briefing.menu
UI menu load time = 286 milli seconds
Parsing menu file:ui/pregame.menu
Parsing menu file:ui/deadscreen.menu
Parsing menu file:ui/victoryscreen.menu
UI menu load time = 42 milli seconds

WARNING: Non-localized objective string is not allowed to have letters in it. Must be changed over to a localized string. Support for regular strings with letters WILL be removed: "TRAINING_OBJ10"
IMPORTANT: This warning will become as-c-r-i-p-terror in a few days!
2 merged lightmaps from 12 original lightmaps
Loading surfaces...
WARNING: shadertype '@world/decal' couldn't load image for 'textures/decals/decal@stone_singleshot1'
WARNING: shadertype '@world/decal' couldn't load image for 'textures/decals/decal@stone_singleshot1'
Corrupt JPEG data: premature end of data segment
- CL_Shutdown -
RE_Shutdown( 1 )
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
...wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ): success
...deleting GL context: success
...releasing DC: success
...destroying window
...resetting display
...shutting down QGL
...unloading OpenGL DLL
- Server Shutdown -

Hunk_Clear: reset the hunk ok
Unsupported marker type 0xaa.
Por fa ya tengo 2 semanas en este peo. ne tiene

Comentarios adicionales: El problema surgió justo despues de instalar un programa.

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