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Cambiar idioma del xp

2007-03-19 02:30 - Respuestas: 3 - Tema nº: 2440355

Características: Windows XP Profesional, prosesador pention .

como puedo cambiar de ingles a español el sitema de mi pc

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Re: Cambiar idioma del xp - 2007-03-19 06:50 - Respuesta 2


Si te refieres al idoma de todo lo que es el XP no se puede, tienes que comprar otra licencia, e instalarla de nuevo.


Re: Cambiar idioma del xp - 2007-03-19 06:55 - Respuesta 3

intenta lo siguiente, y nos dices si funciona
panel de control
Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options.
Click Add other languages
In the Regional and Language Options dialog box, on the Languages tab, click Details.
In the Text Services and Input Languages dialog box, on the Settings tab, click Add.
In the Add Input Language dialog box, click the Input language list and select your preferred language and dialect. If you want to change the standard keyboard layout, click the Keyboard layout/IME list and select a new keyboard layout. Then, click OK
In the Text Services and Input Languages dialog box, on the Settings tab, click the Default input language list, and select the language you will use most often. The language you select as the default will display when you first start your computer.
In the Regional and Language Options dialog box, if required, select the Install files for complexs-c-r-i-p-tand right-to-left languages and Install files for East Asian languages check boxes.
Click the Regional Options tab. Click the Standards and formats list, and then select your region.
Click the Location list, and then select your location
Click OK to save your settings.

Re: Cambiar idioma del xp - 2007-03-19 15:04 - Respuesta 4

Tienes Media Center?


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