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Donde puedo descargar el siguiente cntrolador ?

2007-01-10 21:12 - Respuestas: 9 - Tema nº: 2430973

Características: Windows XP Profesional, 512 de mmoria Ram, AMD Athlon (tm) 64 Processor 3500.

donde puedo descargar el controlador de audio y modem.
Los datos de la targeta madre son los siguientes (La targeta de video y modem estan integrados):

Motherboard specifications table
Part / Feature Specification / Support
Motherboard des-c-r-i-p-tion • Motherboard manufacturer's name: Asus A8N-LA
• HP/Compaq name: Nagami2L-GL8E
CPU/Processor • Socket: 939
• Supports the following processors:
o AMD Athlon 64 X2
o AMD Athlon 64
o Sempron
Front-side bus (FSB) • 2000MT/s or 1600MT/s (processor dependent)
Chipset • GeForce 6150 LE
o Southbridge: nForce 430 (southbridge also called MCP51)
BIOS features • Award BIOS
Form factor • Micro ATX size form factor, 9.6 in x 9.6 in
Memory • Dual-channel memory architecture
• 4 DDR1 DIMM (184-pin) sockets
• PC3200/PC2700 DDR1 DIMMs
• Non-ECC memory only
• Maximum memory: 4 x 1 GB DDR1 DIMMs, 4.0 GB total
Expansion slots • Three PCI
• One PCI Express x16
Video graphics • Integrated
• Supports PCI Express x16 graphics cards
Onboard audio • Built-in Azalia 8 channel audio
• Realtek ALC883 8-channel High Definition Audio CODEC
Onboard LAN • Realtek RTL8201CL
Back panel I/O • PS/2 keyboard (purple)
• PS/2 mouse (green)
• One SPDIF out port
• One VGA port
• Four USB (2.0)
• One RJ-45 networking port (LAN)
• Audio ports:
o line in (light blue)
o line out (lime)
o microphone (pink)
o side speaker out (gray)
o rear speaker out (black)
o center/subwoofer (yellow orange)
Internal connectors • One 24-pin ATX power connector
• One 4-pin ATX power connector
• One PATA connector
• Two SATA connectors
• One floppy drive connector
• One CPU fan connector
• One PC fan connector
• One 9-pin header for power button, reset button, power LED, and HDD LED
• One CD-Audio In connector
• Audio headers
• Two USB connectors supporting four additional USB 2.0 ports
NOTE: Motherboard specifications are subject to change without notice.
Motherboard layout and photos
Figure 1: layout

Figure 2: Photograph

Figure 3: Backplate

1 - PS/2 mouse port (green). This port is for a PS/2 mouse.
2 - SPDIF coaxial out port. This port connects to external audio output devices with coaxial cable connectors.
3 - LAN (RJ-45) port. This port allows connection to a Local Area Network (LAN) through a network hub.
4 - Rear Speaker Out port (black). This port connects to the rear speakers on a 4-channel, 6-channel, or 8-channel audio configuration.
5 - Center/Subwoofer port (yellow orange). This port connects the center/subwoofer speakers.
6 - Line In port (light blue). This port connects a tape, CD, DVD player or other audio sources.
7 - Line Out port (lime). This port connects a headphone or a speaker. In 4-channel, 6-channel, and 8-channel mode, the function of this port becomes Front Speaker Out.
8 - Microphone port (pink). This port connects a microphone.
9 - Side Speaker Out port (gray). This port connects to the side speakers in an 8-channel audio configuration.
10 - USB 2.0 ports 1, 2, 3, and 4. These four 4-pin Universal Serial Bus (USB) ports are available for connecting USB 2.0 devices.
11 - Video Graphics Adapter port. This port is for a VGA monitor or other VGA-compatible devices.
12 - PS/2 keyboard port (purple). This port is for a PS/2 keyboard.
Clearing the BIOS settings
CAUTION: Do not change any jumper setting while the PC is running. Damage to the motherboard may result.
This motherboard has jumpers to:
1. Clear the Real Time Clock (RTC) RAM in CMOS.
2. Disable password checking.
Clearing CMOS
To clear CMOS, follow these steps:
1. Temporarily set jumper CLR_CMOS to pins 1-2.

2. Wait 5-10 seconds and then return the jumper to pins 2-3.

When you start the PC you will need to enter BIOS setup to reset any custom BIOS settings.
Clearing the BIOS password
The BIOS password is used to protect BIOS settings from unwanted changes. If you have forgotten your password you may disable password checking.
To erase the BIOS password follow these steps:
1. Turn OFF the computer and unplug the power cord.
2. Locate the jumper labeled Clear P.W. (CLR_PWD). The jumper is found at the lower right edge of the motherboard, near the SATA connectors.
3. Move the jumper on jumper CLR_PWD to pins 1-2.

4. Plug the power cord and turn ON the computer.
5. Hold down the F1 key during the startup process and enter BIOS setup to change or clear the password.
6. After changing or clearing the BIOS passwords, remember to reset the jumper to pins 2-3.

Still not finding what you're looking for?

Comentarios adicionales: El problema surgió justo despues de instalar un programa.
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Re: Donde puedo descargar el siguiente cntrolador ? - 2007-01-10 23:31 - Respuesta 2

Tu ordenador debe de llevar una utilidad de restauración, creo que se entra con f10 al iniciar, no estoy segura y desde hay se pueden instalar los controladores.

Sólo he encontrado esto y no sé si teservirá http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=24&PFid=24&Level=4&Conn=3&DownTypeID=1&GetDown=true&Downloads=true#ALC883


¿En la página que te di ayer no están los del modem? ¿te refieres a modem o a tarjeta de red?



[Mensaje editado por Rahel con fecha: 10-01-2007 23:32:27].

Re: Donde puedo descargar el siguiente cntrolador ? - 2007-01-10 23:35 - Respuesta 3

¿Has buscad en la página del fabricante?


Re: Donde puedo descargar el siguiente cntrolador ? - 2007-01-10 23:40 - Respuesta 4

El enlace de la página del fabricante se lo di ayer, y es cierto que el controlador de audio no está. HP no pone todos los controladores en ocasiones, sólo las actualizaciones


Re: Donde puedo descargar el siguiente cntrolador ? - 2007-01-12 19:08 - Respuesta 5

Agradesco su atencion prestada. Repondiendo a la pregunta si ya cheque la pagina del fabricante y no encontre esos controladores.
En cuestiones de la otra pregunta me refiero al modem!!
Gracias por la taencion prestada!!!
Página:1 Siguiente

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