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Tracking cookies

2006-10-30 17:51 - Respuestas: 30 - Tema nº: 2424443

Hice lo que me dijiste. Te copio el report del ewido. Parece que no se elimino...

ewido anti-spyware online scanner

Name: Trojan.Small.fb
Path: [1588] VM_012B0000
Risk: High

Name: Downloader.Agent.uj
Path: C:\WINDOWS\system32\csbij.exe
Risk: High
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Re: Tracking cookies - 2006-10-30 18:55 - Respuesta 12

Hombre, algo ha eliminado, ya salen menos

Yo lo pasaría de nuevo pero en modo a prueba de fallos y el scan online spysweeper en modo de fallos con red.

Tras lo cual haz una buena limpieza de archivos y entradas de registro innecesarias.

Se resiste pero al final desaparecerán



Re: Tracking cookies - 2006-10-30 20:55 - Respuesta 13

no se si lo hice bien...pase la herramienta que AVG /ewido en modo a prueba de fallos pero no se si se ejecuto bien (no salio la ventana que de la primera vez). Te recuerdo que tratas con un ignorante de estas cosas.
Pase el spysweeper y te copio el report, pero para eliminarlos me pedia registrarme y pagar...
Te copio el nuevo report del ewido.
Es verdad que va estando mas limpio (estaba realmente podrido!).
Por otro lado ya voy viendo que esto lleva su tiempo.
Gracias again.

Spy Sweeper Session Log.txt

7:40 PM: Traces Found: 3
7:40 PM: Custom Sweep has completed. Elapsed time 00:11:24
7:40 PM: File Sweep Complete, Elapsed Time: 00:10:22
7:40 PM: Warning: Failed to access drive D:
7:29 PM: Starting File Sweep
7:29 PM: Warning: Failed to access drive A:
7:29 PM: Cookie Sweep Complete, Elapsed Time: 00:00:00
7:29 PM:
7:29 PM: Found Spy Cookie: addynamix cookie
7:29 PM: Starting Cookie Sweep
7:29 PM: Registry Sweep Complete, Elapsed Time:00:00:15
7:29 PM: HKLM\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\ruins\ (ID = 1585692)
7:29 PM: HKLM\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\urls\ (ID = 605127)
7:29 PM: Found Trojan Horse: trojan-downloader-ruin
7:29 PM: Starting Registry Sweep
7:29 PM: Memory Sweep Complete, Elapsed Time: 00:00:40
7:28 PM: Starting Memory Sweep
7:28 PM: Warning: Files are not scanned for viruses because AV engine failed to load.
7:28 PM: Sweep initiated using definitions version 783
7:28 PM: Spy Sweeper started
7:28 PM: | Start of Session, Monday, October 30, 2006 |
7:28 PM: | End of Session, Monday, October 30, 2006 |
7:28 PM: Program Version Using Spyware Definitions 783
7:28 PM: Warning: Virus definitions files are invalid, please update your virus definitions. 220
7:28 PM: Spy Sweeper started
7:28 PM: | Start of Session, Monday, October 30, 2006 |

ewido anti-spyware online scanner


Name: Trojan.Small.fb
Path: [1424] VM_00F90000
Risk: High

[ Este mensaje fué editado por: Rahel el 31-10-2006 a las 19:57]

Re: Tracking cookies - 2006-10-30 21:13 - Respuesta 14

¡¡Mira, el Agent.uj ha desaparecido pero ahora hay dos nuevos!!

Elimina las cookies de tu PC, bien con un programa o bien desde opciones de Internet, pestaña General.
Elimina los virus y espías que estén en cuarentena o como copias de seguridad en los programas que has pasado (en el spybot lo verás en la opción recuperar).

Entra en modo a prueba de fallos con red y pasa:
Panda Activescan, el Ad-Aware y el spybot.

¡¡Son duros estos bichos!!



Re: Tracking cookies - 2006-10-31 11:57 - Respuesta 15

bueno, esto creo que va mejor.
El ewido salio limpio.
El Ad-Aware tambien.
El spyboot tambien.
te copio el report del Panda Activescan. Encontro algo y creo que lo limpio.
En cuanto al Spy Sweeper encuentra algo pero como te dije he de suscribirme para eliminarlo. te pego el report tambien.
Estoy limpio? no me lo puedo creer.

Panda Activescan:

Incidencia Estado Elemento

Virus:Trj/dmRandom.DX Desinfectado Sistema Operativo

Spy Sweeper:

10:55 AM: Traces Found: 1
10:55 AM: Custom Sweep has completed. Elapsed time 00:10:53
10:55 AM: Warning: Failed to access drive D:
10:55 AM: File Sweep Complete, Elapsed Time: 00:09:56
10:45 AM: Starting File Sweep
10:45 AM: Warning: Failed to access drive A:
10:45 AM: Cookie Sweep Complete, Elapsed Time: 00:00:00
10:45 AM: Starting Cookie Sweep
10:45 AM: Registry Sweep Complete, Elapsed Time:00:00:15
10:45 AM: HKLM\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\urls\ (ID = 605127)
10:45 AM: Found Trojan Horse: trojan-downloader-ruin
10:45 AM: Starting Registry Sweep
10:45 AM: Memory Sweep Complete, Elapsed Time: 00:00:33
10:44 AM: Starting Memory Sweep
10:44 AM: Warning: Files are not scanned for viruses because AV engine failed to load.
10:44 AM: Sweep initiated using definitions version 783
10:44 AM: Spy Sweeper started
10:44 AM: | Start of Session, Tuesday, October 31, 2006 |
10:44 AM: | End of Session, Tuesday, October 31, 2006 |
10:44 AM: Program Version Using Spyware Definitions 783
10:44 AM: Warning: Virus definitions files are invalid, please update your virus definitions. 220
Operation: File Access
8:29 PM: Tamper Detection
Keylogger: Off
BHO Shield: On
IE Security Shield: On
Alternate Data Stream (ADS) Execution Shield: On
Startup Shield: On
Common Ad Sites: Off
Hosts File Shield: On
Internet Communication Shield: On
ActiveX Shield: On
Windows Messenger Service Shield: On
IE Favorites Shield: On
Spy Installation Shield: On
Memory Shield: On
IE Hijack Shield: On
IE Tracking Cookies Shield: Off
8:08 PM: Shield States
8:08 PM: Spyware Definitions: 783
8:08 PM: Warning: Virus definitions files are invalid, please update your virus definitions. 220
8:08 PM: Spy Sweeper started
Keylogger: Off
BHO Shield: On
IE Security Shield: On
Alternate Data Stream (ADS) Execution Shield: On
Startup Shield: On
Common Ad Sites: Off
Hosts File Shield: On
Internet Communication Shield: On
ActiveX Shield: On
Windows Messenger Service Shield: On
IE Favorites Shield: On
Spy Installation Shield: On
Memory Shield: On
IE Hijack Shield: On
IE Tracking Cookies Shield: Off
7:50 PM: Shield States
7:50 PM: Spyware Definitions: 783
7:50 PM: Warning: Virus definitions files are invalid, please update your virus definitions. 220
7:49 PM: Spy Sweeper started
7:28 PM: | End of Session, Monday, October 30, 2006 |
7:28 PM: Program Version Using Spyware Definitions 783
7:28 PM: Warning: Virus definitions files are invalid, please update your virus definitions. 220
7:28 PM: Spy Sweeper started
7:28 PM: | Start of Session, Monday, October 30, 2006 |
7:40 PM: Traces Found: 3
7:40 PM: Custom Sweep has completed. Elapsed time 00:11:24
7:40 PM: File Sweep Complete, Elapsed Time: 00:10:22
7:40 PM: Warning: Failed to access drive D:
7:29 PM: Starting File Sweep
7:29 PM: Warning: Failed to access drive A:
7:29 PM: Cookie Sweep Complete, Elapsed Time: 00:00:00

7:29 PM: Found Spy Cookie: addynamix cookie
7:29 PM: Starting Cookie Sweep
7:29 PM: Registry Sweep Complete, Elapsed Time:00:00:15
7:29 PM: HKLM\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\ruins\ (ID = 1585692)
7:29 PM: HKLM\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\urls\ (ID = 605127)
7:29 PM: Found Trojan Horse: trojan-downloader-ruin
7:29 PM: Starting Registry Sweep
7:29 PM: Memory Sweep Complete, Elapsed Time: 00:00:40
7:28 PM: Starting Memory Sweep
7:28 PM: Warning: Files are not scanned for viruses because AV engine failed to load.
7:28 PM: Sweep initiated using definitions version 783
7:28 PM: Spy Sweeper started
7:28 PM: | Start of Session, Monday, October 30, 2006 |

[ Este mensaje fué editado por: Rahel el 31-10-2006 a las 19:58]
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