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Fallo al instalar MPlayer

2006-04-12 00:23 - Respuestas: 1 - Tema nº: 2411319

hola de nuevo amigos.
estoy intentando instalar el MPlayer ya que he leido que es muy bueno pero me sale el siguiente error:

hecking for cc version ... 4.0.2, bad
Checking for gcc version ... 4.0.2, bad
Checking for gcc-3.4 version ... not found
Checking for gcc-3.3 version ... not found
Checking for gcc-3.2 version ... not found
Checking for gcc-3.1 version ... not found
Checking for gcc3 version ... not found
Checking for gcc-3.0 version ... not found
Checking for cc version ... 4.0.2, bad

*** Please downgrade/upgrade C compiler to version gcc-2.95.x or gcc-3.x! ***

You are not using a supported compiler. We do not have the time to make sure
everything works with compilers other than the ones we use. Use either the
same compiler as we do, or use disable-gcc-checking but DO *NOT* REPORT BUGS
unless you can reproduce them after recompiling with a 2.95.x or 3.x version!

Note for gcc 2.96 users: Some versions of this compiler are known to miscompile
mplayer and lame (which is used for mencoder). If you get compile errors,
first upgrade to the latest 2.96 release (minimum 2.96-85) and try again.
If the problem still exists, try with gcc 3.x (or 2.95.x) *BEFORE* reporting


*** For details please read DOCS/HTML/en/users-vs-dev.html ***

Error: Bad gcc version

Check "configure.log" if you do not understand why it failed.

como podria obtener una version correcta de gcc??
nota:tengo istalado suse10.0 recien descargado por lo que me dudo que no venga actualizado el gcc

aver si alguien m puede echar una mano
Posibles soluciones:
Fallo al instalar mplayerFallo al instalar mplayer
Descargar mplayerDescargar mplayer
Fallo al instalar xp.Fallo al instalar xp.
Fallo al instalar xpFallo al instalar xp
Fallo al instalar windows 7Fallo al instalar windows 7

Re: Fallo al instalar MPlayer - 2006-04-12 00:52 - Respuesta 2

Échale un vistazo a las versiones disponibles en http://gcc.gnu.org/.




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