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Conficker, alguien sabe como exterminarlo? |
Hola, tengo la duda que si tengo o no el virus ya que de un día para otro el sonido de mi pc no salía de los parlantes, por lo cual lo subí al máximo y se oía apenas. busque infinitas respuestas que no llegaban a nada, probé de todo y nada. hasta que me topé con un comentario que me decía que podría llegar a ser por el virus este, entonces me puse a intentar de buscarlo con nmap. la verdad, no entiendo mucho el programa pero siguiendo instrucciones ingrese "nmap -p 139,445 -t4 -v -n -pn --script --script-args smb-check-vulns" en la búsqueda del virus, a lo cual sale un informe:
starting nmap 6.40 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2014-03-19 12:30 hora estándar de argentina nse: loaded 446 scripts for scanning. nse: script pre-scanning. nse: url-snarf no network interface was supplied, aborting . initiating nse at 12:30 nse: mtrace: a source ip must be provided through fromip argument. completed nse at 12:31, 40.46s elapsed pre-scan script results: | broadcast-dhcp-discover: | ip offered: | dhcp message type: dhcpoffer | server identifier: | ip address lease time: 1 day, 0:00:00 | subnet mask: | router: |_ domain name server: | broadcast-eigrp-discovery: |_ error: couldn't get an a.s value. | broadcast-listener: | udp | ssdp | ip uri | fe80::c8e:634b:2833:a778 urn:microsoft windows peer name resolution protocol: v4:ipv6:linklocal | dhcp | srv ip cli ip mask gw dns vendor |_ - | broadcast-pc-anywhere: |_ error: failed to send broadcast request | broadcast-pppoe-discover: | server: 84:78:ac:31:6b:e3 | version: 1 | type: 1 | tags | service-name: | host-uniq: 3230323135313831323501 | ac-name: ird91r | nil: nil | nil: nil |_ nil: nil | broadcast-wpad-discover: |_ error: could not find wpad using dns/dhcp |_broadcast-xdmcp-discover: timeout |_eap-info: please specify an interface with -e | http-icloud-findmyiphone: |_ error: no username or password was supplied | http-icloud-sendmsg: |_ error: no username or password was supplied | http-virustotal: |_ error: an api key is required in order to use this script (see description) | lltd-discovery: | | hostname: roberta-pc | mac: 48:5b:39:d2:4f:d7 (asustek computer) |_ use the newtargets script-arg to add the results as targets | targets-asn: |_ targets-asn.asn is a mandatory parameter initiating syn stealth scan at 12:31 scanning [2 ports] completed syn stealth scan at 12:31, 0.10s elapsed (2 total ports) nse: script scanning initiating nse at 12:31 completed nse at 12:32, 18.31s elapsed initiating nse at 12:32 completed nse at 12:32, 0.00s elapsed nmap scan report for failed to resolve "smb-check-vulns". host is up (0.0010s latency). port state service 139/tcp closed netbios-ssn 445/tcp closed microsoft-ds host script results: | asn-query: | bgp: | country: ar | origin as: 7303 - telecom argentina s.a. |_ peer as: 6762 22822 | dns-blacklist: | spam | all.spamrats.com - dynamic | bl.nszones.com - dynamic | list.quorum.to - fail | l2.apews.org - fail | proxy |_ dnsbl.tornevall.org - fail |_dns-brute: can't guess domain of ""; use dns-brute.domain script argument. | hostmap-ip2hosts: | hosts: | | | | | | | | | | | ip2hosts.com | | | | | | | | | | | | | | var pageoptions = | { | 'domainregistrant' : 'as-drid-oo-1750951074443211' | | 'relatedsearchbaseurl': 'www.ip2hosts.com/?ac=2&slt=8&slr=1&lpt=1' | | 'resultspagebaseurl': 'www.ip2hosts.com/?ac=2&slt=8&slr=1&lpt=1' | | 'pageloadedcallback': google_callback | | 'pubid': 'dp-demandmedia02' | | 'channel': '000001' | | 'terms': '' | | 'optimizeterms': true | | 'adtest': 'off' | | 'hl': '' | }; | | var searchboxblock = | { | 'container': 'searchbox' | | 'type': 'searchbox' | | 'width': '300px' | | 'widthsearchbutton': 70 | | 'colorbackground': 'transparent' | | 'colorsearchbutton': '#17181a' | | 'colorsearchbuttontext': '#b4ec6a' | | 'fontsizesearchinput': 16 | | 'fontsizesearchbutton': 16 | | 'hidesearchinputborder': true | | 'hidesearchbuttonborder': true | }; | | var rsblock1 = | { | 'container': 'searchlinks' | | 'type': 'relatedsearch' | | 'number': 10 | | 'columns': 2 | | 'adiconurl': 'afs.googleusercontent.com/dp-demandmedia/t1020/bullet-green-arrow.png' | | 'adiconwidth': 20 | | 'adiconheight': 20 | | 'adiconspacingabove': 15 | | 'adiconspacingbefore': 2 | | 'adiconspacingafter': 10 | | 'colorbackground': 'transparent' | | 'fontfamilyattribution': 'arial' | | 'fontsizeattribution': 18 | | 'colorattribution': '#999999' | | 'attributionbold': 'false' | | 'fontfamily': 'arial' | | 'fontsizetitle': 24 | | 'colortitlelink': '#9fd801' | | 'rolloverlinkcolor': '#e57921' | | 'rolloverlinkunderline': true | | 'notitleunderline': true | | 'titlebold': true | | 'lineheighttitle': 50 | | 'verticalspacing': 2 | }; | | | var parkingdata = | { | 'pagetype': '1' | | 'googlestatus': 'clean' | | 'cachekey': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' | | 'clientiphash': '1057833655' | | 'useragenthash': '100224958' | | 'time': '3/19/2014 8:31:56 am' | | 'ticks': '635308147164574483' | | 'domainname': 'ip2hosts.com' | | 'searchtext': '' | | 'actioncode': 'initialview' | | 'adnetworkid': '2010001' | | 'moduleid': '29' | | 'resultlinktype': '5' | | 'weblinktype': 'googleweb' | | 'vipip': '' | | 'sessionid': '2a44e44a-ab9f-4265-85f0-aa0cdaeb7a23' | | 'visitorid': '93b2e291-ea37-4d10-b7e7-f3ebb07f8566' | | 'ippiclassification': '0' | | 'requestguid': '05bf7d08-4367-4aba-8efc-b3153a4b9e12' | | 'searchlinktype': 'unknown' | | 'templateid': '1020' | | 'themeid': '220538' | | 'pageurl': '/csv.php' | | 'searchlinkrank': '0' | | 'referrer': '' | | 'referrersearchtext': '' | | 'subid': '0' | | 'searchlinkareas': | [ | { | 'maxcount': 10 | | 'divid': 'sec_20' | | 'class': 'rs' | | 'headertext': 'related searches' | } | ] | | 'apiiteration': 0 | | 'mobilebrowsertype': 4 | | 'adlineformat': 3 | | 'wclass': 'wr' | | 'terms': '' | | 'adheader': 'sponsored listings' | }; | | new google.ads.domains.caf(pageoptions | searchboxblock | rsblock1); | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ip2hosts.com | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | this domain may be for sale. backorder this domain |
| | | legal terms | | | | | | | | | function getippi(g) { | var xmlhttp = createxmlhttprequest(); | if (xmlhttp != null) { | xmlhttp.open('get' | '/'+g+'.ippi?g='+g | true); | xmlhttp.send(null); | } | } | | function createxmlhttprequest() { | try { return new activexobject('msxml2.xmlhttp'); } catch(e) {} | try { return new activexobject('microsoft.xmlhttp'); } catch(e) {} | try { return new xmlhttprequest(); } catch(e) {} | return null; | } | | getippi('05bf7d08-4367-4aba-8efc-b3153a4b9e12'); | | | | var gajshost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "ssl." : "www."); | document.write(unescape("%3cscript src='" + gajshost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3e%3c/script%3e")); | | | var pagetracker = _gat._gettracker("ua-2249740-16"); | pagetracker._initdata(); | pagetracker._trackpageview(); | | | | | | | | |_ |_hostmap-robtex: | ip-geolocation-geobytes: | latitude: -34.613 | longitude: -58.47 | city: buenos aires | region: distrito federal |_ country: argentina | ip-geolocation-geoplugin: | | coordinates (lat,lon): -34,-64 |_ state: unknown, argentina |_ip-geolocation-maxmind: error: script execution failed (use -d to debug) |_ipidseq: incremental! |_path-mtu: pmtu == 1500 | unusual-port: |_ warning: this script depends on nmap's service/version detection (-sv) | whois: record found at whois.lacnic.net | inetnum: 190.138.84/22 | owner: apolo -gold-telecom-per | ownerid: ar-apgo-lacnic | responsible: aseguramiento de datos | country: ar | person: administrador abuse |_email: (prohibido poner emails)com.com.ar nse: script post-scanning. initiating nse at 12:32 completed nse at 12:32, 0.00s elapsed initiating nse at 12:32 completed nse at 12:32, 0.00s elapsed read data files from: c:\ \ program files (x86)\ \ nmap nmap done: 1 ip address (1 host up) scanned in 63.20 seconds raw packets sent: 9 (1.852kb) | rcvd: 2 bueno, espero que me puedas ayudar a saber si tengo o no, conficker. gracias y espero su respuesta en mi mail. SO: windows 7 professional . |
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