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End point not working on my thin client

- 27/04/2016 20:18:12 - Pregunta nº.: 146.969

All the computes in our Company are thin clients FOXCONN NT-IBT19, we need to install an end point protection software but the hardware is not allowing us to do so, because when we start up the thin client we cannot enter the key to un-encrypt the hard drive due the fact USB mouse and keyboard don’t work, event thought we have set the option in the BIOS to allow mouse and keyboard to work during pre-boot, worst thing is that when we tried to un encrypt the thin client using a recovery Mcafee CD, the keyboard and mouse do not respond either
We need a solution for this or we will need to swap to other brand. As we cannot have devices that cannot handle an end point protection tool

Windows no identificado (6.3) 32b, Mozilla 5.0.

#1 Godmol (44.456 Posts) - 28/04/2016 08:58:14
Hey, is not that strange reason you send us this message, as this is a computer support website HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH FOXXCONN, OR ANY OF COMPUTER EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER

The golden rule for a claim to be served is to do it in the right place, so when you access google, do not enter the first result that appears you to put your question, at least try to verify that it is the right place.

I hope you understand that we must close your query and beg you not perform more questions in English or like this in the future


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