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Errores grabación DVD doble capa

2010-11-12 15:01 - Respuestas: 3 - Tema nº: 2733557

Win XP SP2; AMD Athlon XP 2600+ 1.92 GHz, 1,2 Gb de RAM

he recurrido muchas veces a preguntas de otros para solucionar los problemas que me surgen y siempre habéis acertado... a ver si me podéis ayudar:
intento grabar dvd de doble capa y no consigo hacerlo. se dispone la grabadora a grabar, pero se cancela porque da error. he probado con nero, con imgburn,... los dvd son verbatim dvd+r dl y la grabadora es benq dvd dd dw1620 con firm. b7v9. no he podido actualizar porque no se me descarga el firm desde la web de benq.

el último intento ha sido con una copia en el imgburn; pongo el log:

i 14:45:58 imgburn version started!
i 14:45:58 microsoft windows xp home edition (5.1, build 2600 : service pack 2)
i 14:45:58 total physical memory: 1.310.192 kb - available: 670.504 kb
i 14:45:58 initialising spti...
i 14:45:58 searching for scsi / atapi devices...
i 14:45:58 -> drive 1 - info: benq dvd dd dw1620 b7v9 (f:) (ata)
i 14:45:58 found 1 dvd±rw!
i 14:47:17 operation started!
i 14:47:17 building image tree...
i 14:47:59 checking directory depth...
i 14:47:59 calculating totals...
i 14:47:59 preparing image...
w 14:47:59 joliet file: '\6x03 anatomia de grey - siempre siento como si alguien me estuviera mirando.avi' -> '6x03 anatomia de grey - siempre siento como si alguien me es.avi' (os path: d:\anatomía de grey\avi\6x03 anatomia de grey - siempre siento como si alguien me estuviera mirando.avi)
w 14:47:59 joliet file: '\6x12 anatomia de grey - me gustas mucho más cuando estás desnudo.avi' -> '6x12 anatomia de grey - me gustas mucho más cuando estás des.avi' (os path: d:\anatomía de grey\avi\6x12 anatomia de grey - me gustas mucho más cuando estás desnudo.avi)
w 14:47:59 joliet file system: 2 folder/file names have been modified due to your current settings.
i 14:47:59 checking path length...
i 14:47:59 contents: 24 files, 0 folders
i 14:47:59 content type: divx video
i 14:47:59 data type: mode1/2048
i 14:47:59 file system(s): iso9660, joliet
i 14:47:59 volume label: anat. de grey_t6
i 14:47:59 size: 6.984.162.136 bytes
i 14:47:59 sectors: 3.410.242
i 14:47:59 image size: 6.984.237.056 bytes
i 14:47:59 image sectors: 3.410.272
i 14:48:01 operation successfully completed! - duration: 00:00:43
i 14:48:01 operation started!
i 14:48:01 source file: -==/\/[build image]\/\==-
i 14:48:01 source file sectors: 3.410.272 (mode1/2048)
i 14:48:01 source file size: 6.984.237.056 bytes
i 14:48:01 source file volume identifier: anat. de grey_t6
i 14:48:01 source file application identifier: imgburn v2.5.1.0 - the ultimate image burner!
i 14:48:01 source file implementation identifier: imgburn v2.5.1.0
i 14:48:01 source file file system(s): iso9660, joliet
i 14:48:01 destination device: [1:1:0] benq dvd dd dw1620 b7v9 (f:) (ata)
i 14:48:01 destination media type: dvd+r dl (disc id: mkm-003-00) (speeds: 2,4x)
i 14:48:01 destination media sectors: 4.173.824
i 14:48:01 write mode: dvd
i 14:48:01 write type: dao
i 14:48:01 write speed: 2,4x
i 14:48:01 link size: auto
i 14:48:01 lock volume: yes
i 14:48:01 test mode: no
i 14:48:01 opc: no
i 14:48:01 burn-proof: enabled
i 14:48:01 write speed successfully set! - effective: 3.324 kb/s (2,4x)
i 14:48:01 book type setting: dvd+r dl
i 14:48:01 advanced settings - wopc: yes
i 14:48:01 optimal l0 data zone capacity: 1.705.136
i 14:48:01 optimal l0 data zone method: ecc block boundary
i 14:48:01 set l0 data zone capacity succeeded!
i 14:48:22 filling buffer... (40 mb)
i 14:48:24 writing leadin...
w 14:48:40 failed to write sectors 0 - 31 - reason: session fixation error writing lead in
w 14:48:40 retrying (1 of 20)...
w 14:49:04 retry failed - reason: session fixation error writing lead in
w 14:49:04 retrying (2 of 20)...
w 14:49:20 retry failed - reason: session fixation error writing lead in
w 14:49:20 retrying (3 of 20)...
w 14:49:40 retry failed - reason: session fixation error writing lead in
w 14:49:40 retrying (4 of 20)...
w 14:50:00 retry failed - reason: session fixation error writing lead in
w 14:50:00 retrying (5 of 20)...
w 14:50:20 retry failed - reason: session fixation error writing lead in
w 14:50:20 retrying (6 of 20)...
w 14:50:42 retry failed - reason: session fixation error writing lead in
w 14:50:42 retrying (7 of 20)...
w 14:51:05 retry failed - reason: power calibration area is full
w 14:51:05 retrying (8 of 20)...
w 14:51:20 retry failed - reason: power calibration area is full
w 14:51:20 retrying (9 of 20)...
w 14:51:24 retry failed - reason: power calibration area is full
w 14:51:24 retrying (10 of 20)...
w 14:51:26 retry failed - reason: power calibration area is full
w 14:51:26 retrying (11 of 20)...
w 14:51:28 retry failed - reason: power calibration area is full
w 14:51:28 retrying (12 of 20)...
w 14:51:31 retry failed - reason: power calibration area is full
w 14:51:31 retrying (13 of 20)...
w 14:51:33 retry failed - reason: power calibration area is full
w 14:51:33 retrying (14 of 20)...
w 14:51:35 retry failed - reason: power calibration area is full
w 14:51:35 retrying (15 of 20)...
w 14:51:37 retry failed - reason: power calibration area is full
w 14:51:37 retrying (16 of 20)...
w 14:51:40 retry failed - reason: power calibration area is full
w 14:51:40 retrying (17 of 20)...
w 14:51:42 retry failed - reason: power calibration area is full
w 14:51:42 retrying (18 of 20)...
w 14:51:44 retry failed - reason: power calibration area is full
w 14:51:44 retrying (19 of 20)...
w 14:51:47 retry failed - reason: power calibration area is full
w 14:51:47 retrying (20 of 20)...
w 14:51:49 retry failed - reason: power calibration area is full
e 14:52:32 failed to write sectors 0 - 31 - reason: session fixation error writing lead in
i 14:52:32 synchronising cache...
w 14:52:34 user opted to skip the 'close track/session/disc' functions.
e 14:52:34 failed to write image!
e 14:52:34 operation failed! - duration: 00:04:33
i 14:52:34 average write rate: n/a - maximum write rate: n/a

no sé porqué me puede dar error... si me podéis ayudar...

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Re: Errores grabación DVD doble capa - 2010-11-12 15:16 - Respuesta 2

¿Has usado mucho la grabadora?. Puede ser que este cascada.

Re: Errores grabación DVD doble capa - 2010-11-18 10:11 - Respuesta 3

Escierto que l grabadora tiene un tiempo... he grabado bastantes cosas, no sé lo que entederíamos por mucho... pero bueno, esta grabadora tuvo varios problemas... así que puede ser que sea la grabadora.

Me quedo bastante triste por esto, pero... le pediré una nueva a los reyes... :)


Re: Errores grabación DVD doble capa - 2010-11-29 22:32 - Respuesta 4

He probado con otra grabadora (del portátil) y se me ha grabado perfectamente... será la grabadora.

Gracias por la ayuda.

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