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Error al instalar .Net Framework 3.5

2010-11-01 07:54 - Respuestas: 0 - Tema nº: 2730274

Windows XP Service Pack 3.

buenas. es de vital importancia para mí instalar net framework 3.5 en mi equipo, pero me da error al instalarlo. he probado desinstalando todas las versiones y reinstalando, y también he probado a dar permisos total a administradores en hkey_local_machine/system/currentcontrolset/services/eventlog/security (como he leido por ahí) pero no funciona y estoy desesperado, la verdad. actualmente tengo sólo instalado el net framework 2.0.

este es el error que me da en el registro de error. gracias de antemano.

[04/22/10,21:49:35] wapui: [2] depcheck indicates microsoft .net framework 3.5lp - esn was not attempted to be installed.
[07/04/10,13:03:44] xpsepsc installer: [2] failed to fetch setup file in cbasecomponent::preinstall()
[07/04/10,13:03:44] setup.exe: [2] isetupcomponent::pre/post/install() failed in isetupmanager::internalinstallmanager() with hresult -2147467260.
[07/04/10,13:03:44] setup.exe: [2] csetupmanager::runinstallphase() - call to pre/install/post for installcomponents failed
[07/04/10,13:03:44] setup.exe: [2] csetupmanager::runinstallphaseandcheckresults() - runinstallphase() returned a null piactionresults
[07/04/10,13:03:44] setup.exe: [2] csetupmanager::runinstallfromlist() - runinstallphaseandcheckresults failed [2]
[07/04/10,13:03:44] setup.exe: [2] isetupmanager::runinstalllists(ip_preinstall failed in isetupmanager::runinstallfromthread()
[07/04/10,13:03:44] setup.exe: [2] isetupmanager::runinstallfromthread() failed in isetupmanager::runinstall()
[07/04/10,13:03:44] setup.exe: [2] csetupmanager::run() - call to runinstall() failed
[10/31/10,20:15:33] microsoft .net framework 2.0a: [2] failed to fetch setup file in cbasecomponent::preinstall()
[10/31/10,20:15:33] setup.exe: [2] isetupcomponent::pre/post/install() failed in isetupmanager::internalinstallmanager() with hresult -2147467260.
[10/31/10,20:15:33] setup.exe: [2] csetupmanager::runinstallphase() - call to pre/install/post for installcomponents failed
[10/31/10,20:15:33] setup.exe: [2] csetupmanager::runinstallphaseandcheckresults() - runinstallphase() returned a null piactionresults
[10/31/10,20:15:33] setup.exe: [2] csetupmanager::runinstallfromlist() - runinstallphaseandcheckresults failed [2]
[10/31/10,20:15:33] setup.exe: [2] isetupmanager::runinstalllists(ip_preinstall failed in isetupmanager::runinstallfromthread()
[10/31/10,20:15:33] setup.exe: [2] isetupmanager::runinstallfromthread() failed in isetupmanager::runinstall()
[10/31/10,20:15:33] setup.exe: [2] csetupmanager::run() - call to runinstall() failed
[10/31/10,20:15:34] wapui: [2] depcheck indicates microsoft .net framework 2.0a is not installed.
[10/31/10,20:15:34] wapui: [2] depcheck indicates microsoft .net framework 3.0a was not attempted to be installed.
[10/31/10,20:15:34] wapui: [2] depcheck indicates microsoft .net framework 3.5 'package' was not attempted to be installed.
[10/31/10,20:15:34] wapui: [2] depcheck indicates microsoft .net framework 3.5lp - esn was not attempted to be installed.
[10/31/10,20:17:50] microsoft .net framework 2.0a: [2] failed to fetch setup file in cbasecomponent::preinstall()
[10/31/10,20:17:51] setup.exe: [2] isetupcomponent::pre/post/install() failed in isetupmanager::internalinstallmanager() with hresult -2147467260.
[10/31/10,20:17:51] setup.exe: [2] csetupmanager::runinstallphase() - call to pre/install/post for installcomponents failed
[10/31/10,20:17:51] setup.exe: [2] csetupmanager::runinstallphaseandcheckresults() - runinstallphase() returned a null piactionresults
[10/31/10,20:17:51] setup.exe: [2] csetupmanager::runinstallfromlist() - runinstallphaseandcheckresults failed [2]
[10/31/10,20:17:51] setup.exe: [2] isetupmanager::runinstalllists(ip_preinstall failed in isetupmanager::runinstallfromthread()
[10/31/10,20:17:51] setup.exe: [2] isetupmanager::runinstallfromthread() failed in isetupmanager::runinstall()
[10/31/10,20:17:51] setup.exe: [2] csetupmanager::run() - call to runinstall() failed
[10/31/10,20:17:51] wapui: [2] depcheck indicates microsoft .net framework 2.0a is not installed.
[10/31/10,20:17:52] wapui: [2] depcheck indicates microsoft .net framework 3.0a was not attempted to be installed.
[10/31/10,20:17:52] wapui: [2] depcheck indicates microsoft .net framework 3.5 'package' was not attempted to be installed.
[10/31/10,20:17:52] wapui: [2] depcheck indicates microsoft .net framework 3.5lp - esn was not attempted to be installed.
[10/31/10,20:52:56] microsoft .net framework 3.0a: [2] failed to fetch setup file in cbasecomponent::preinstall()
[10/31/10,20:52:56] setup.exe: [2] isetupcomponent::pre/post/install() failed in isetupmanager::internalinstallmanager() with hresult -2147467260.
[10/31/10,20:52:56] setup.exe: [2] csetupmanager::runinstallphase() - call to pre/install/post for installcomponents failed
[10/31/10,20:52:56] setup.exe: [2] csetupmanager::runinstallphaseandcheckresults() - runinstallphase() returned a null piactionresults
[10/31/10,20:52:56] setup.exe: [2] csetupmanager::runinstallfromlist() - runinstallphaseandcheckresults failed [2]
[10/31/10,20:52:56] setup.exe: [2] isetupmanager::runinstalllists(ip_preinstall failed in isetupmanager::runinstallfromthread()
[10/31/10,20:52:56] setup.exe: [2] isetupmanager::runinstallfromthread() failed in isetupmanager::runinstall()
[10/31/10,20:52:56] setup.exe: [2] csetupmanager::run() - call to runinstall() failed
[10/31/10,20:52:57] wapui: [2] depcheck indicates microsoft .net framework 3.0a is not installed.
[10/31/10,20:52:57] wapui: [2] depcheck indicates microsoft .net framework 3.5 'package' was not attempted to be installed.
[10/31/10,20:52:57] wapui: [2] depcheck indicates microsoft .net framework 3.5lp - esn was not attempted to be installed.
[10/31/10,21:06:58] microsoft .net framework 2.0a: [2] error: installation failed for component microsoft .net framework 2.0a. msi returned error code 1603
[10/31/10,21:07:20] wapui: [2] depcheck indicates microsoft .net framework 2.0a is not installed.
[10/31/10,21:10:41] microsoft .net framework 2.0a: [2] error: installation failed for component microsoft .net framework 2.0a. msi returned error code 1603
[10/31/10,21:11:01] wapui: [2] depcheck indicates microsoft .net framework 2.0a is not installed.
[10/31/10,21:27:10] microsoft .net framework 2.0a: [2] error: installation failed for component microsoft .net framework 2.0a. msi returned error code 1603
[10/31/10,21:27:36] wapui: [2] depcheck indicates microsoft .net framework 2.0a is not installed.
[10/31/10,21:35:16] microsoft .net framework 2.0a: [2] error: installation failed for component microsoft .net framework 2.0a. msi returned error code 1603
[10/31/10,21:35:42] wapui: [2] depcheck indicates microsoft .net framework 2.0a is not installed.
[10/31/10,22:08:10] microsoft .net framework 2.0a: [2] error: installation failed for component microsoft .net framework 2.0a. msi returned error code 1603
[10/31/10,22:08:35] wapui: [2] depcheck indicates microsoft .net framework 2.0a is not installed.
[10/31/10,23:26:52] microsoft .net framework 2.0a: [2] error: installation failed for component microsoft .net framework 2.0a. msi returned error code 1603
[10/31/10,23:27:13] wapui: [2] depcheck indicates microsoft .net framework 2.0a is not installed.
[10/31/10,23:40:25] microsoft .net framework 2.0a: [2] error: installation failed for component microsoft .net framework 2.0a. msi returned error code 1603
[10/31/10,23:40:44] wapui: [2] depcheck indicates microsoft .net framework 2.0a is not installed.
[10/31/10,23:50:22] microsoft .net framework 2.0a: [2] error: installation failed for component microsoft .net framework 2.0a. msi returned error code 1603
[10/31/10,23:50:35] wapui: [2] depcheck indicates microsoft .net framework 2.0a is not installed.
[11/01/10,00:02:59] microsoft .net framework 2.0a: [2] failed to fetch setup file in cbasecomponent::preinstall()
[11/01/10,00:02:59] setup.exe: [2] isetupcomponent::pre/post/install() failed in isetupmanager::internalinstallmanager() with hresult -2147467260.
[11/01/10,00:02:59] setup.exe: [2] csetupmanager::runinstallphase() - call to pre/install/post for installcomponents failed
[11/01/10,00:02:59] setup.exe: [2] csetupmanager::runinstallphaseandcheckresults() - runinstallphase() returned a null piactionresults
[11/01/10,00:02:59] setup.exe: [2] csetupmanager::runinstallfromlist() - runinstallphaseandcheckresults failed [2]
[11/01/10,00:02:59] setup.exe: [2] isetupmanager::runinstalllists(ip_preinstall failed in isetupmanager::runinstallfromthread()
[11/01/10,00:02:59] setup.exe: [2] isetupmanager::runinstallfromthread() failed in isetupmanager::runinstall()
[11/01/10,00:02:59] setup.exe: [2] csetupmanager::run() - call to runinstall() failed
[11/01/10,00:03:00] wapui: [2] depcheck indicates microsoft .net framework 2.0a is not installed.
[11/01/10,00:03:00] wapui: [2] depcheck indicates xpsepsc installer was not attempted to be installed.
[11/01/10,00:03:00] wapui: [2] depcheck indicates microsoft .net framework 3.0 sp2 x86 was not attempted to be installed.
[11/01/10,00:03:00] wapui: [2] depcheck indicates microsoft .net framework 3.5 'package' was not attempted to be installed.
[11/01/10,00:03:00] wapui: [2] depcheck indicates microsoft .net framework 3.5lp - esn was not attempted to be installed.
[11/01/10,00:06:08] microsoft .net framework 2.0a: [2] failed to fetch setup file in cbasecomponent::preinstall()
[11/01/10,00:06:08] setup.exe: [2] isetupcomponent::pre/post/install() failed in isetupmanager::internalinstallmanager() with hresult -2147467260.
[11/01/10,00:06:08] setup.exe: [2] csetupmanager::runinstallphase() - call to pre/install/post for installcomponents failed
[11/01/10,00:06:08] setup.exe: [2] csetupmanager::runinstallphaseandcheckresults() - runinstallphase() returned a null piactionresults
[11/01/10,00:06:08] setup.exe: [2] csetupmanager::runinstallfromlist() - runinstallphaseandcheckresults failed [2]
[11/01/10,00:06:08] setup.exe: [2] isetupmanager::runinstalllists(ip_preinstall failed in isetupmanager::runinstallfromthread()
[11/01/10,00:06:08] setup.exe: [2] isetupmanager::runinstallfromthread() failed in isetupmanager::runinstall()
[11/01/10,00:06:08] setup.exe: [2] csetupmanager::run() - call to runinstall() failed
[11/01/10,00:06:08] wapui: [2] depcheck indicates microsoft .net framework 2.0a is not installed.
[11/01/10,00:06:09] wapui: [2] depcheck indicates xpsepsc installer was not attempted to be installed.
[11/01/10,00:06:09] wapui: [2] depcheck indicates microsoft .net framework 3.0 sp2 x86 was not attempted to be installed.
[11/01/10,00:06:09] wapui: [2] depcheck indicates microsoft .net framework 3.5 'package' was not attempted to be installed.
[11/01/10,00:06:09] wapui: [2] depcheck indicates microsoft .net framework 3.5lp - esn was not attempted to be installed.
[11/01/10,01:28:45] microsoft .net framework 2.0a: [2] error: installation failed for component microsoft .net framework 2.0a. msi returned error code 1603
[11/01/10,01:29:06] wapui: [2] depcheck indicates microsoft .net framework 2.0a is not installed.
[11/01/10,06:20:00] microsoft .net framework 2.0a: [2] error: installation failed for component microsoft .net framework 2.0a. msi returned error code 1603
[11/01/10,06:20:14] wapui: [2] depcheck indicates microsoft .net framework 2.0a is not installed.
[11/01/10,06:41:24] microsoft .net framework 2.0a: [2] error: installation failed for component microsoft .net framework 2.0a. msi returned error code 1603
[11/01/10,06:41:33] wapui: [2] depcheck indicates microsoft .net framework 2.0a is not installed.
[11/01/10,07:14:26] microsoft .net framework 2.0a: [2] error: installation failed for component microsoft .net framework 2.0a. msi returned error code 1603
[11/01/10,07:14:45] wapui: [2] depcheck indicates microsoft .net framework 2.0a is not installed.
[11/01/10,07:46:26] microsoft .net framework 2.0a: [2] error: installation failed for component microsoft .net framework 2.0a. msi returned error code 1603
[11/01/10,07:46:46] wapui: [2] depcheck indicates microsoft .net framework 2.0a is not installed.


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