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Problema al copiar en Word

2010-02-17 14:11 - Respuestas: 3 - Tema nº: 2662373

Windows XP Home .


mi problema es que cuando intento copiar un texto de *********y pasarlo a un documento word el formato cambia totalmente, juntando todas las líneas y eliminando el espacio entre párrafos...

Pongo un ejemplo:

Parte del texto que quiero copiar es el siguiente:

The storm had been brewing all day, as if the world knew exactly what was going to happen. The windscreen wipers were frantically at work whilst the rain plummeted down in its heavy onslaught. Teresa Lisbon hadn’t bothered putting on any music, she rarely did. Usually, she had some kind of distraction which made the point of it defunct, anyway. In this occasion, the echoing crescendo of thunder suited her mood just perfectly.

She had killed a man today.

It wasn’t the first time she had killed and she was fairly certain that it wouldn’t be the last. Her career was dangerous and she had been trained to do so in such an occasion. The fact that the person lying dead in a morgue because of her in downtown Sacramento had been serial killer didn’t help particularly. A life was still a life, no matter how evil and twisted the man appeared to be. She had been so determined to bring him in alive, but there had to be that cruel twist of fate, didn’t there?

Pero cuando lo paso al word me sale así:

The storm had been brewing all day, as if the world knew exactly what was going to happen. The windscreen wipers were frantically at work whilst the rain plummeted down in its heavy onslaught. Teresa Lisbon hadn’t bothered putting on any music, she rarely did. Usually, she had some kind of distraction which made the point of it defunct, anyway. In this occasion, the echoing crescendo of thunder suited her mood just perfectly.
She had killed a man today.
It wasn’t the first time she had killed and she was fairly certain that it wouldn’t be the last. Her career was dangerous and she had been trained to do so in such an occasion. The fact that the person lying dead in a morgue because of her in downtown Sacramento had been serial killer didn’t help particularly. A life was still a life, no matter how evil and twisted the man appeared to be. She had been so determined to bring him in alive, but there had to be that cruel twist of fate, didn’t there?

Alguien sabe por qué me pasa esto y si hay alguna forma de evitar que pase o solucionarlo?


[Mensaje editado por swissman con fecha: 17-02-2010 20:52:39].
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Re: Problema al copiar en Word - 2010-02-17 14:58 - Respuesta 2

hola, el problema, entiendo que es la separacion del texto?

Re: Problema al copiar en Word - 2010-02-17 15:53 - Respuesta 3

Sí, ese es el problema, que al copiar el texto en el word pierde la separación entre párrafos...

Re: Problema al copiar en Word - 2010-02-17 20:55 - Respuesta 4

hola, acabo de probar un trozo, y me queda, en word2000 como el original. quizas tienes algo del formato de word configurado para eliminar los espacios.

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