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Problemas con run-time error 53 file not fund

2009-10-15 12:21 - Respuestas: 1 - Tema nº: 2628197

Windows XP Home .

cuando enciendo el pc mesale una pantalla run-timee errpr 53 file not fund

Posibles soluciones:
Problemas con run-time error 53 file not fundProblemas con run-time error 53 file not fund
Runtime error 53 file no foundRuntime error 53 file no found
Runtime error 19:file or function is not foundRuntime error 19:file or function is not found
Miicrosoft visual c++ runtime library-runtime error!Miicrosoft visual c++ runtime library-runtime error!
Microsoft visual c++runtime library runtime errorMicrosoft visual c++runtime library runtime error

Re: Problemas con run-time error 53 file not fund - 2011-01-18 19:09 - Respuesta 2

mamandoselo atu besina esto no se solucionarlo

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