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Problema con nero vision version

2009-08-08 20:54 - Respuestas: 0 - Tema nº: 2611859

Windows Vista Pentium dual core 1.87 Ghz, Ram 2gb, Vista home basi.

Que tal, escribo porque acabo de instalar el nero 9 en mi pc y funciona de lo mas bien,, excepto cuando trato de grabar un dvd con el nero vision (version, ya que me sale un error a la mitad del proceso y se cancela la grabacion.
A continuacion les pego el informe de error que me da el programa, espero que alguen sepa como solucionarlo, en su excepcion diganme de otro programa que me permita grabar 2 peliculas en un dvd y crear mis propios menus como con el nero vision.
Muchas gracias.


Informe de error de nero:

[12:14:15] NeroVision Log created (Date: 08/08/2009)
[12:14:24] NeroVision Processors: 2 (Intel)
[12:14:24] NeroVision OS: Windows Vista x64 Home Basic Edition
[12:14:25] GCCore Detected DirectX Version 9 or higher
[12:14:28] GCCore Detected DirectX Version: 10.0
[12:14:28] AMCUIBase Loading standard buttons from 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Nero\Nero 9\Nero Vision\Buttons'...
[12:14:30] ExpressUI Running Nero Vision Version:
[12:14:30] AMCDocBase Nero3D interface version is 500
[12:14:31] NeroVision Get 3 Devices.
[12:14:36] AMCDocBase exception msg: El sistema no puede ubicar el objeto especificado.
[12:14:36] AMCDocBase File:
[12:14:36] AMCDocBase exception msg: El sistema no puede ubicar el objeto especificado.
[12:14:36] AMCDocBase File:
[12:14:36] AMCDocBase ParseThemeTemplateSceneInfo
[12:14:36] AMCDocBase exception msg: El sistema no puede ubicar el objeto especificado.
[12:14:36] AMCDocBase File:
[12:14:36] AMCDocBase exception msg: El sistema no puede ubicar el objeto especificado.
[12:14:36] AMCDocBase File:
[12:14:36] AMCDocBase exception msg: El sistema no puede ubicar el objeto especificado.
[12:14:36] AMCDocBase File:
[12:14:36] AMCDocBase ParseThemeTemplateSceneInfo
[12:14:36] AMCDocBase exception msg: El sistema no puede ubicar el objeto especificado.
[12:14:36] AMCDocBase File:
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:38] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:38] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:38] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:38] MMTools SourceBuilder: building d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Angeles y Demonios.avi video/0
[12:14:42] MMTools SourceBuilder: - used source filters -
[12:14:42] MMTools {E436EBB5-524F-11CE-9F53-0020AF0BA770} - File Source (Async.)
[12:14:42] MMTools {1B544C20-FD0B-11CE-8C63-00AA0044B51E} - AVI Splitter
[12:14:42] MMTools {78766964-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71} - DivX Decoder Filter
[12:14:42] MMTools SourceBuilder: file type AVI - video
[12:14:42] MMTools
[12:14:43] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:43] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:43] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:43] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Angeles y Demonios.avi video/0
[12:14:45] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:45] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:45] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:46] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Angeles y Demonios.avi video/0
[12:14:48] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:48] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:48] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:49] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Angeles y Demonios.avi video/0
[12:14:51] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:51] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:51] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:51] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Angeles y Demonios.avi video/0
[12:14:53] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:53] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:53] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:54] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Angeles y Demonios.avi video/0
[12:14:55] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:55] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:55] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:56] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Angeles y Demonios.avi video/0
[12:14:57] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:57] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:57] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:58] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Angeles y Demonios.avi video/0
[12:14:59] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:59] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:14:59] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:00] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Angeles y Demonios.avi video/0
[12:15:01] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:01] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:01] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:01] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Angeles y Demonios.avi video/0
[12:15:03] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:03] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:03] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:03] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Angeles y Demonios.avi video/0
[12:15:05] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:05] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:05] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:05] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Angeles y Demonios.avi video/0
[12:15:07] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:07] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:07] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:08] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Angeles y Demonios.avi video/0
[12:15:09] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:09] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:09] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:10] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Angeles y Demonios.avi video/0
[12:15:11] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:11] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:11] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:12] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Angeles y Demonios.avi video/0
[12:15:13] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:13] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:13] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:14] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Angeles y Demonios.avi video/0
[12:15:16] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:16] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:16] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:17] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Angeles y Demonios.avi video/0
[12:15:18] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:18] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:18] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:18] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Angeles y Demonios.avi video/0
[12:15:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:20] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Angeles y Demonios.avi video/0
[12:15:22] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:22] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:22] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:22] MMTools SourceBuilder: building d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Distrito 13.avi video/0
[12:15:24] MMTools SourceBuilder: - used source filters -
[12:15:24] MMTools {E436EBB5-524F-11CE-9F53-0020AF0BA770} - File Source (Async.)
[12:15:24] MMTools {1B544C20-FD0B-11CE-8C63-00AA0044B51E} - AVI Splitter
[12:15:24] MMTools {78766964-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71} - DivX Decoder Filter
[12:15:24] MMTools SourceBuilder: file type AVI - video
[12:15:24] MMTools
[12:15:24] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:24] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:24] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:24] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Distrito 13.avi video/0
[12:15:26] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:26] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:26] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:26] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Distrito 13.avi video/0
[12:15:28] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:28] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:28] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:28] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Distrito 13.avi video/0
[12:15:30] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:30] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:30] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:30] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Distrito 13.avi video/0
[12:15:31] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:31] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:31] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:33] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Distrito 13.avi video/0
[12:15:34] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:34] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:34] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:34] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Distrito 13.avi video/0
[12:15:36] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:36] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:36] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:36] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Distrito 13.avi video/0
[12:15:38] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:38] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:38] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:38] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Distrito 13.avi video/0
[12:15:40] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:40] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:40] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:40] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Distrito 13.avi video/0
[12:15:42] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:42] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:42] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:42] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Distrito 13.avi video/0
[12:15:44] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:44] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:44] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:44] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Distrito 13.avi video/0
[12:15:45] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:45] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:45] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:46] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Distrito 13.avi video/0
[12:15:47] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:47] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:47] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:48] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Distrito 13.avi video/0
[12:15:49] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:49] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:49] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:49] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Distrito 13.avi video/0
[12:15:51] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:51] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:51] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:52] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Distrito 13.avi video/0
[12:15:54] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:54] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:54] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:55] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Distrito 13.avi video/0
[12:15:58] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:58] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:58] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:15:59] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Distrito 13.avi video/0
[12:16:05] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:05] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:05] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:07] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Distrito 13.avi video/0
[12:16:08] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:08] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:08] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:09] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Angeles y Demonios.avi video/0
[12:16:11] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:11] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:11] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:12] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Distrito 13.avi video/0
[12:16:15] DVDEngine Product Version:, File Version:, Interface Version:
[12:16:15] ExpressUI Detect at least one DVD Compatible recorder.
[12:16:15] ExpressUI Detect at least one CD Compatible recorder.
[12:16:16] ExpressUI VR preview logo: handle = 0x0e050a19
[12:16:16] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:16] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:16] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:16] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:16] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:16] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:16] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:16] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:16] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:16] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:17] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:17] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:17] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:17] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:17] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:17] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:17] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:17] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:17] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:17] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:17] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:17] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:17] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:17] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:17] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:18] MMTools SourceBuilder: building d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Angeles y Demonios.avi audio/0
[12:16:19] MMTools SourceBuilder: - used source filters -
[12:16:19] MMTools {E436EBB5-524F-11CE-9F53-0020AF0BA770} - File Source (Async.)
[12:16:19] MMTools {1B544C20-FD0B-11CE-8C63-00AA0044B51E} - AVI Splitter
[12:16:19] MMTools {090A8B7A-6EA9-4426-830F-665E9B4420B4} -
[12:16:19] MMTools SourceBuilder: file type AVI - audio
[12:16:19] MMTools
[12:16:19] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Angeles y Demonios.avi video/0
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] DVDEngine Product Version:, File Version:, Interface Version:
[12:16:20] DVDEngine Product Version:, File Version:, Interface Version:
[12:16:20] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
[12:16:20] DVDEngine END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
[12:16:20] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDSessionBaseImpl - RegisterApplicationService
[12:16:20] DVDEngine ..Application service registered...
[12:16:20] DVDEngine END: IDVDSessionBaseImpl - RegisterApplicationService
[12:16:20] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDSessionBaseImpl - RegisterApplicationService
[12:16:20] DVDEngine ..Application service registered...
[12:16:20] DVDEngine END: IDVDSessionBaseImpl - RegisterApplicationService
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] NeroVision Estimate Size
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0.04 | 224
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 1 | 0 | 1 | 30.00 | 720
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 2 | 0 | 0 | 30.00 | 0
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 3 | 0 | 0 | 30.00 | 0
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision total data size : 1196034 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision multiplexed size : 1224704 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision Estimate Size
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2.00 | 841
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision total data size : 1090502 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision multiplexed size : 1130496 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision Estimate Size
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 1 | 30.00 | 9478
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 1 | 0 | 1 | 30.00 | 720
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 2 | 0 | 0 | 30.00 | 0
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 3 | 0 | 0 | 30.00 | 0
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision total data size : 10672284 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision multiplexed size : 11171840 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision Estimate Size
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 1 | 30.00 | 9478
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 1 | 0 | 1 | 30.00 | 720
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 2 | 0 | 0 | 30.00 | 0
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 3 | 0 | 0 | 30.00 | 0
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision total data size : 10672284 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision multiplexed size : 11171840 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision Estimate Size
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 1 | 30.00 | 9478
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 1 | 0 | 1 | 30.00 | 720
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 2 | 0 | 0 | 30.00 | 0
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 3 | 0 | 0 | 30.00 | 0
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision total data size : 10672284 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision multiplexed size : 11171840 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision Estimate Size
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 1 | 30.00 | 9478
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 1 | 0 | 1 | 30.00 | 720
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 2 | 0 | 0 | 30.00 | 0
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 3 | 0 | 0 | 30.00 | 0
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision total data size : 10672284 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision multiplexed size : 11171840 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision Estimate Size
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 1 | 30.00 | 9478
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 1 | 0 | 1 | 30.00 | 720
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 2 | 0 | 0 | 30.00 | 0
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 3 | 0 | 0 | 30.00 | 0
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision total data size : 10672284 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision multiplexed size : 11171840 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision Estimate Size
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2.00 | 841
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision total data size : 1090502 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision multiplexed size : 1130496 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision Estimate Size
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 1 | 30.00 | 9478
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 1 | 0 | 1 | 30.00 | 720
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 2 | 0 | 0 | 30.00 | 0
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 3 | 0 | 0 | 30.00 | 0
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision total data size : 10672284 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision multiplexed size : 11171840 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision Estimate Size
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 1 | 30.00 | 9478
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 1 | 0 | 1 | 30.00 | 720
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 2 | 0 | 0 | 30.00 | 0
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 3 | 0 | 0 | 30.00 | 0
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision total data size : 10672284 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision multiplexed size : 11171840 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision Estimate Size
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 1 | 30.00 | 9478
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 1 | 0 | 1 | 30.00 | 720
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 2 | 0 | 0 | 30.00 | 0
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 3 | 0 | 0 | 30.00 | 0
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision total data size : 10672284 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision multiplexed size : 11171840 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision Estimate Size
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 1 | 30.00 | 9478
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 1 | 0 | 1 | 30.00 | 720
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 2 | 0 | 0 | 30.00 | 0
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 3 | 0 | 0 | 30.00 | 0
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision total data size : 10672284 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision multiplexed size : 11171840 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision Estimate Size
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0.00 | 224
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0.00 | 0
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision total data size : 458754 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision multiplexed size : 468992 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision Estimate Size
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2.00 | 841
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision total data size : 1090502 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision multiplexed size : 1130496 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision Estimate Size
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0.04 | 224
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 1 | 0 | 1 | 60.00 | 1440
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 2 | 0 | 0 | 60.00 | 0
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 3 | 0 | 0 | 60.00 | 0
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision total data size : 1933314 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision multiplexed size : 1974272 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision Estimate Size
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2.00 | 841
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision total data size : 1090502 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision multiplexed size : 1130496 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision Estimate Size
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0.04 | 224
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 1 | 0 | 1 | 60.00 | 1440
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 2 | 0 | 0 | 60.00 | 0
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 3 | 0 | 0 | 60.00 | 0
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision total data size : 1933314 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision multiplexed size : 1974272 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision Estimate Size
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2.00 | 841
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision total data size : 1090502 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision multiplexed size : 1130496 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision Estimate Size
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2.00 | 841
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision total data size : 1090502 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision multiplexed size : 1130496 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision Estimate Size
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 1 | 7979.84 | 2457882
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 1 | 0 | 1 | 7979.84 | 191516
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision total data size : 2713213339 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision multiplexed size : 2843473920 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision Estimate Size
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 1 | 4852.04 | 1494572
[12:16:20] NeroVision | 1 | 0 | 1 | 4852.04 | 116449
[12:16:20] NeroVision +-++++-
[12:16:20] NeroVision total data size : 1649914602 bytes
[12:16:20] NeroVision multiplexed size : 1729122304 bytes
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:20] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:27] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:27] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:27] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:27] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:29] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:29] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:29] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:29] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:29] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:29] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:33] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:33] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:33] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:33] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:33] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:33] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:33] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:33] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:33] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:33] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:33] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:33] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:33] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:33] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:33] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:33] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:33] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:33] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:33] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:33] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:33] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:33] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:33] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:33] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:33] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:33] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:33] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:33] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:33] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:33] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:33] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:33] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:33] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:33] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:34] MMTools SourceBuilder: building d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Distrito 13.avi audio/0
[12:16:34] MMTools SourceBuilder: - used source filters -
[12:16:34] MMTools {E436EBB5-524F-11CE-9F53-0020AF0BA770} - File Source (Async.)
[12:16:34] MMTools {1B544C20-FD0B-11CE-8C63-00AA0044B51E} - AVI Splitter
[12:16:34] MMTools {090A8B7A-6EA9-4426-830F-665E9B4420B4} -
[12:16:34] MMTools SourceBuilder: file type AVI - audio
[12:16:34] MMTools
[12:16:34] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Distrito 13.avi video/0
[12:16:35] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:35] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:35] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:35] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:35] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:35] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:36] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:36] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:36] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:36] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:36] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:36] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:36] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:36] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:36] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:36] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:36] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:36] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:36] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:36] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:36] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:36] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:36] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:36] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:36] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:36] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:36] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:36] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:36] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:36] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:36] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:36] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:36] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:36] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:36] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:36] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:37] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:38] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Angeles y Demonios.avi video/0
[12:16:38] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached d:\Documentos\Peliculas\Xa Grabar\Angeles y Demonios.avi audio/0
[12:16:39] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:39] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDSessionBaseImpl - RegisterCallback
[12:16:39] DVDEngine END: IDVDSessionBaseImpl - RegisterCallback
[12:16:39] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
[12:16:39] DVDEngine END: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
[12:16:39] DVDEngine Product Version:, File Version:, Interface Version:
[12:16:39] DVDEngine Product Version:, File Version:, Interface Version:
[12:16:39] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
[12:16:39] DVDEngine END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
[12:16:39] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDSessionBaseImpl - RegisterApplicationService
[12:16:39] DVDEngine ..Application service registered...
[12:16:39] DVDEngine END: IDVDSessionBaseImpl - RegisterApplicationService
[12:16:39] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDSessionBaseImpl - RegisterApplicationService
[12:16:39] DVDEngine ..Application service registered...
[12:16:39] DVDEngine END: IDVDSessionBaseImpl - RegisterApplicationService
[12:16:39] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:39] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:39] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:39] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:39] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:39] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:39] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:39] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:39] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:39] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:39] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:39] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:39] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:39] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:39] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:39] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed
[12:16:39] AMCDocBase Rescan the AV file required, because the licens changed

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Configurarequipos23 Febrero 2025