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Problemas con el opengl del call of duty

2009-07-26 01:26 - Respuestas: 0 - Tema nº: 2608681

Windows XP Profesional .

hola, cuando quiero entrar al juego me dice q necesito los ultimos drivers de mi tarjeta grafica, y yo no tengo tarjeta grafica, ya he probado con juegos con los mismos requisitos y me han funcionado(ej:gta vice city) tengo un procesador de 1.51 ghz pentium 4 y 256 de ram
cuando le doy aceptar a la advertencia me pone esto:
COD MP 1.4 build win-x86 Apr 13 2004
- FS_Startup -
Current language: english
Current search path:
C:\ARCHIV~1\CALLOF~1\main\pak6.pk3 (3 files)
C:\ARCHIV~1\CALLOF~1\main\pak5.pk3 (4858 files)
C:\ARCHIV~1\CALLOF~1\main\pak4.pk3 (1668 files)
C:\ARCHIV~1\CALLOF~1\main\pak3.pk3 (1992 files)
C:\ARCHIV~1\CALLOF~1\main\pak2.pk3 (694 files)
C:\ARCHIV~1\CALLOF~1\main\pak1.pk3 (2642 files)
C:\ARCHIV~1\CALLOF~1\main\pak0.pk3 (12828 files)

File Handles:

29683 files in pk3 files
execing default_mp.cfg
couldn't exec language.cfg
couldn't exec config_mp.cfg
couldn't exec autoexec_mp.cfg
========= autoconfigure
configure_mp.csv: using configuration 1200 cpu MHz 192 sys MB 32 vid MB
execing configure_mp.cfg
cl_language will be changed upon restarting.
fs_basepath is write protected.
fs_homepath is write protected.
WARNING: No language string information available for english
Hunk_Clear: reset the hunk ok
...detecting CPU, found AMD w/ 3DNow!
Measured CPU speed is 1.51 GHz
System memory is 192 MB (capped at 1 GB)
Video card memory is 0 MB
Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE) supported

Winsock Initialized
Opening IP socket: localhost:28960
Hostname: TUERTO
- Client Initialization -
- Initializing Renderer

- Client Initialization Complete -
- R_Init -
Initializing OpenGL subsystem
...initializing QGL
...calling LoadLibrary( 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\opengl32.dll' ): succeeded
...setting mode 3: 640 480 FS
...using colorbits of 32
...calling CDS: ok
...registered window class
...created window@0,0 (640x480)
Initializing OpenGL driver
...getting DC: succeeded
...GLW_ChoosePFD( 32, 24, 8 )
...35 PFDs found
...GLW_ChoosePFD failed
...GLW_ChoosePFD( 32, 24, 0 )
...35 PFDs found
...GLW_ChoosePFD failed
...failed to find an appropriate PIXELFORMAT
...restoring display settings
...WARNING: could not set the given mode (3)
...shutting down QGL
...unloading OpenGL DLL
- CL_Shutdown -
RE_Shutdown( 1 )
Hunk_Clear: reset the hunk ok
No ha podido cargar OpenGL. Asegurate de que tienes los últimos drivers para tu tarjeta de vídeo de su fabricante disponibles en su página web.


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