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Problemas en la BIOS con el nuevo D.D.Externo...

2009-04-20 15:05 - Respuestas: 4 - Tema nº: 2587974

Windows XP Home Pentiun 4 2.53ghz con 1 gb de ram y C: de 75gb.

veréis en mi pc no he tenido problemas con la instalación del nuevo disco duro, pues el XP (actualizado) me lo ha reconocido enseguida, con toda su capacidad menos algo que supongo, sera lo que necesita o trae de fabrica ya ocupado... pero cuando intento arrancan el pc con el nuevo DDEx encendido se me bloquea el pc... al consultar el problema tanto en la pagina principal del DD como en windows me dicen lo mismo y en ingles... que he de tocar la BIOS... pero la verdad es que no se como hacerlo y me fío de las traducciones de internet no vallamos a liarla y fastidiar la BIOS que se que es muy delicado tocar en ella sin conocer como es mi caso...
este es el mensaje que me dan:
Problem caused by USB driver
You received this message because your universal serial bus (USB) driver has caused a blue screen error. This type of error means the computer has shut down abruptly to protect itself from potential data corruption or loss.

What is a driver?


The following recommended steps might help you eliminate this problem, or at least reduce its frequency. Try them in the order given. If one step does not solve or reduce the problem, then move on to the next one.

Adjust your computer's power settings

The following power setting adjustments might help reduce the frequency of this problem.

Disable the USB selective suspend setting:

Click Start, click Control Panel, and then click System.

Click the Hardware tab, and then click Device Manager.

Expand the Universal Serial Bus Controllers node, and then, for each USB Root Hub node, do the following:

Right-click USB Root Hub, and then select Properties.

Click the Power Management tab, uncheck the Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power checkbox, and then click OK.

Turn off power saving mode (non-laptop computers only):

Click Start, click Control Panel, and then click Power Options.

Click the Power schemes dropdown list, select Minimal Power Management, and then click OK.

Check for a system BIOS update for your computer

Several computer manufacturers whose computers exhibit this problem have released BIOS updates to fix this known issue. Contact your computer manufacturer to see if a BIOS update is available for your specific model of computer.

What is the BIOS?

The basic input/output system (BIOS) is software built into a computer that is run when the computer is first turned on. Among other things, this software starts the operating system and supports the transfer of information between hardware devices (such as the keyboard and the monitor).

How do I find my computer manufacturer?

Click Start, click Run, type msinfo32, and then click OK. Your computer manufacturer is listed as the System Manufacturer in the right pane of the System Information window.

Click to go online to see contact information for most computer manufacturers

Download and install the latest updates and drivers for your computer

It is a good idea to periodically check for driver updates for your computer, especially if you have added new hardware recently, like a USB hub or other USB device.

What is a USB hub?

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Re: Problemas en la BIOS con el nuevo D.D.Externo... - 2009-04-20 20:00 - Respuesta 2

que es el DDEx?

Re: Problemas en la BIOS con el nuevo D.D.Externo... - 2009-04-20 20:01 - Respuesta 3

vale, ya veo que te refieres a disco externo. Lo que te dice es que debes deshabilitar en la bios que intente arrancar con lo conectado en el usb

Re: Problemas en la BIOS con el nuevo D.D.Externo... - 2009-04-20 21:57 - Respuesta 4

DDEx es el disco duro Exterior/b>

Re: Problemas en la BIOS con el nuevo D.D.Externo... - 2009-04-20 21:59 - Respuesta 5

¿y como lo hago? o ¿a que foro me dirijo, para que pueda hacerlo sin problemas?

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