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No consigo actualizar drivers

2009-04-18 18:30 - Respuestas: 5 - Tema nº: 2587501

Lo primero muchas gracias a ambos os comento he intentado lo de inicio y demas y ocurre los iguiente, el pc se apaga y al reiniciarse solo me dice que se ha recuperado de un error grave y mando los informes de erro microsoft me contesta esto

Ayuda y soporte técnico | Seguridad | Microsoft Update

Descargue de actualizaciones para Realtek RTL8139 Family PCI Fast Ethernet NIC

Este problema se debe a Realtek RTL8139 Family PCI Fast Ethernet NIC. Realtek RTL8139 Family PCI Fast Ethernet NIC fue creado por Realtek Semiconductor Corp..


Vaya al sitio web de Realtek Semiconductor Corp. para obtener más información acerca de la solución.

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Software: Drivers & Utilities


| Windows | Unix (Linux) | DOS | Novell | OEM | Others |

This product is covered by one or more of the following patents:US5,307,459, US5,434,872, US5,732,094, US6,570,884, US6,115,776, and US6,327,625.
If there is any further detailed information required, please contact nicfae@realtek.com
Des-c-r-i-p-tion Version Update
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3 Express
Auto installation program (Support WinXP64/WinXP/Win2K)(Submission ID: 1323285) 5.719 2009/4/1 5037k GO GO GO -
WinXP (WinServer 2003) Driver 5.719 2009/4/1 324k GO GO GO -
Vista (WinServer 2008) Driver 6.110 2008/11/26 106k GO GO GO -
Auto installation program (support Vista 64 and Vista) (Submission ID: 1310628) 6.110 2008/11/26 4458k GO GO GO -
Win98ME Driver 5.707 2008/11/24 65k GO GO GO -
Auto installation program (support Win98SE/WinME) 5.707 2008/11/24 4375k GO GO GO -
Vista Diagnostic Program 1003 2008/6/13 4092k GO GO GO -
WinCE.NET has built in RTL8139(A/B/C/D8130)/810X series driver N/A 2002/1/25 0k - - - -
Embedded NT4.0 1.00 2001/11/2 14k GO GO GO -
WinCE 2.x driver for x86 platform.
Microsoft Approved 1.30 2001/11/2 150k GO GO GO -
WinCE 3.0 driver for x86 platform 3.05 2000/7/16 262k GO GO GO -

Unix (Linux)
This product is covered by one or more of the following patents:US5,307,459, US5,434,872, US5,732,094, US6,570,884, US6,115,776, and US6,327,625.
If there is any further detailed information required, please contact nicfae@realtek.com
Des-c-r-i-p-tion Version Update
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3 Express
SCO Unix 5.0.X 5.03 2008/8/5 27k GO GO GO -
Linux driver (driver has built-in the kernel) N/A 2007/3/12 0k - - - -
Unixware 7.2.x 2.20 2005/10/11 15k GO GO GO -

This product is covered by one or more of the following patents:US5,307,459, US5,434,872, US5,732,094, US6,570,884, US6,115,776, and US6,327,625.
If there is any further detailed information required, please contact nicfae@realtek.com
Des-c-r-i-p-tion Version Update
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3 Express
NDIS2 driver for DOS (Support MSclient,Lantastic,Lanman, Norton Ghost) 3.27 2008/10/9 24k GO GO GO -
DOS Diagnostic program (RSET8139) 5.09 2008/8/21 37k GO GO GO -
PXE ROM code 2.24 2008/8/1 168k GO GO GO -
RPL and PXE ROM code 2.24 2008/8/1 218k GO GO GO -
Argon MBA for Realtek - PXE, NetWare NCP/IPX (802.2, 802.3, Ethernet II), RPL, DHCP and BOOTP
Argon MBA for Realtek N/A 2004/5/10 8k GO GO GO -
RPL Boot ROM code 3.17 2004/3/18 109k GO GO GO -
emBoot Managed PC Boot Agent (Boot ROM for PXE, RPL, NetWare, DHCP, BOOTP)
emBoot MBA for Realtek N/A 2003/6/24 20k GO GO GO -
BootROM Flash utility. 1.50 2002/8/1 23k GO GO GO -

This product is covered by one or more of the following patents:US5,307,459, US5,434,872, US5,732,094, US6,570,884, US6,115,776, and US6,327,625.
If there is any further detailed information required, please contact nicfae@realtek.com
Des-c-r-i-p-tion Version Update
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3 Express
Novell server driver (Support OS 6.x, 5.x, 4.11, 4.1, 3.12) 5.03 2008/8/7 56k GO GO GO -
Novell client for DOS (Supports CardBus) 3.70 2008/8/1 13k GO GO GO -
Novell client32 driver 3.30 2005/12/16 11k GO GO GO -
Novell Client for OS2 ODI driver N/A 2000/10/24 77k GO GO GO -

This product is covered by one or more of the following patents:US5,307,459, US5,434,872, US5,732,094, US6,570,884, US6,115,776, and US6,327,625.
If there is any further detailed information required, please contact nicfae@realtek.com
Des-c-r-i-p-tion Version Update
Time File
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1 Site
2 Site
3 Express
OEM disk for users and manufacturers (LAN Card) 5.00 2002/8/1 3423k GO GO GO -
OEM disk for users and manufacturers (CardBus) 1.30 2001/10/9 848k GO GO GO -

This product is covered by one or more of the following patents:US5,307,459, US5,434,872, US5,732,094, US6,570,884, US6,115,776, and US6,327,625.
If there is any further detailed information required, please contact nicfae@realtek.com
Des-c-r-i-p-tion Version Update
Time File
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1 Site
2 Site
3 Express
MAC OS 9.0, 9.1 3.02 2006/3/23 28k GO GO GO -
MAC OS X 10.04 1.02 2006/3/16 32k GO GO GO -
VxWorks driver for X86 platform General type (Recommend customer use this general type) 1.40 2005/12/6 63k GO GO GO -
JNode driver
JNode website N/A 2003/12/1 0k - - - -
MAC OSX 10.2.X 1.13 2003/6/13 29k GO GO GO -
Diagnostic program for EN55022 only 1.0 2003/4/30 1064k GO GO GO -
QNX driver NA 2003/1/24 3k GO GO GO -
MAC OSX 10.1.X 1.11 2002/8/1 38k GO GO GO -
NDIS patch Utility for OEM Manufacturer 5.04 2002/8/1 233k GO GO GO -
MAC OS 8.5, 8.6 3.10 2002/3/12 28k GO GO GO -
Windows Diagnostic Program (support Win98/WinME/Win2K/WinXP) 1.28 2002/2/1 988k GO GO GO -
Utility for patch file ( for non-windows driver) 1.10 2001/11/2 12k GO GO GO -
Windows 95/98/Me Diagnostic Program 1.70 2001/11/2 61k GO GO GO -
Windows NT 4.0 Diagnostic Program 1.70 2001/11/2 70k GO GO GO -
Help for installation (html format) N/A 2001/6/21 41k GO GO GO -
BeOS 4.x driver NA 2000/10/24 26k GO GO GO -
JavaOS is contributed by
Mr. Zhang Zhiqun NA 2000/10/24 153k GO GO GO -
pSOS driver NA 2000/10/24 2k GO GO GO -
BeOS 5.0 driver NA 2000/3/30 70k GO GO GO -


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©2009 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. All rights reserved.

He probado donde dice windows autoinstalable las tres go que me da y en los tres el problema es el mismo que cuando agrgo el nuevo harware el setup.exe me dice que el archivo esta dañado y no he conseguido por tanto nada.
Gracias por la ayuda.
Un saludo
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