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No puedo actualizar windows live

2009-03-14 04:57 - Respuestas: 2 - Tema nº: 2580385

Características: Windows XP Profesional tarjeta de memoria de 1 gb. pentiun 4 - disco 70 gb.

no puedo descarga todo el paquete de windows live, sea este .messenger, galeria fotografica,toolbar, proteccion infantil, el mails de windows. no se que pasa, como me podrian ayudar. cuando ya ejecuto la descarga me sale un error que textualmente dice asi. error oncatalogresult:ox80072ee6 y no puedo seguir adelante. que debo hacer

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No puedo actualizar windows live messengerNo puedo actualizar windows live messenger

Re: No puedo actualizar windows live - 2009-03-14 05:13 - Respuesta 2

Intenta con otro navegador, y cuentanos el resultado...

Re: No puedo actualizar windows live - 2009-03-14 07:38 - Respuesta 3

mira si esto te sirve, está en inglés sacado del foro de microsoft de eeuu

Windows live support managed to solve the problem for me..i will paste the email below.

Here are the steps to walk you through the process. They're pretty straightforward so I'm sure that you won't have problems performing them.

1. Remove all older versions of Windows Live Services (if you have previously installed or attempted to install any Windows Live Services). Clear the entries your computer by following the steps below.

a. Click Start, click Run, type appwiz.cpl and then click OK.

b. In the list of currently installed programs, select any Windows Live (you may see more than one program with the Windows Live name) and then click Change / Remove.

c. If you are prompted to confirm, click Yes.

d. Do this until all Windows Live programs (except Windows Live OneCare) are uninstalled.

2. Restart your computer. This is important.

3. Once you have all the above dependencies installed, then download and install the appropriate software from the links below based on your language requirements. To perform this installation, follow these steps:

a. Visit this link: http://g.live.com/1rewlive3/en/wlsetup-all.exe

b. Save the file to your desktop

c. Then Select Run

Note: If you are prompted for confirmation to run the program, select Run

d. Confirm your acceptance of the Terms of Use and the installation will begin

4. Once the install is complete, drag the WLSetup.exe file to the Recycle Bin (this file is no longer needed)


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