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Problema con avast

2009-02-03 14:12 - Respuestas: 0 - Tema nº: 2572089

Características: Windows XP Home pentium d 3 ghz 1gb ram.

error al iniciar la aplicacion porque no se encontró ashBase.dll .la reistalacion de la aplicacion puede solucionar el problema.

pero aunque intento quitar los archivos de archivos de programa y estan protegidos

tambien e intentado volver a instalarlo pero dice :hubo un erro mientras se completaba la instalacion

le doi a ver informe de configuracion y sale

29.01.2009 10:02:26 general: Started: 29.01.2009, 10:02:26

29.01.2009 10:02:26 general: Running setup_av_pro-510 (1296)

29.01.2009 10:02:26 system: Operating system: WindowsXP ver 5.1, build 2600, sp 2.0 [Service Pack 2]

29.01.2009 10:02:26 system: Memory: 32% load. Phys:706428/1047916K free, Page:2288096/2523800K free, Virt:2068624/2097024K free

29.01.2009 10:02:26 system: Computer WinName: MIGUEL

29.01.2009 10:02:26 system: Windows Net User: MIGUEL\cuenta 2 MGUELILLE

29.01.2009 10:02:26 general: Cmdline: /sfx /sfxstorage "C:\DOCUME~1\CUENTA~1\CONFIG~1\Temp\_av_sfx.tm~a02492" /srcpath "C:\DOCUME~1\CUENTA~1\ESCRIT~1" /sfxname "setupesp"

29.01.2009 10:02:26 general: DldSrc set to sfx

29.01.2009 10:02:26 general: Old version: ffffffff (-1)

29.01.2009 10:02:26 general: Install check: SetupVersion does NOT exist

29.01.2009 10:02:26 general: SGW32P::CheckIfInstalled set m_bAlreadyInstalled to 0

29.01.2009 10:02:26 registry: Get registry: Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Version=6.0.2900.2180

29.01.2009 10:02:27 general: Operation set to INST_OP_INSTALL

29.01.2009 10:02:27 general: GUID: cca68898-fa84-456c-971d-83ec7f5fa458

29.01.2009 10:02:27 general: SelectCurrent: selected server 'tmp sfx storage' from 'sfx'

29.01.2009 10:02:27 internet: SYNCER: IE in offline mode, switching to Direct connection

29.01.2009 10:02:27 internet: SYNCER: Type: no proxy

29.01.2009 10:02:27 internet: SYNCER: Auth: no authentication

29.01.2009 10:02:27 general: Entered SetupProcessPro::Do( INST_OP_INSTALL )

29.01.2009 10:02:27 general: Entered SetupProcessWin32Avast::Do( INST_OP_INSTALL )

29.01.2009 10:02:27 general: Entered SetupProcessWin32::Do( INST_OP_INSTALL )

29.01.2009 10:02:27 general: Entered SetupProcess::Do( INST_OP_INSTALL )

29.01.2009 10:02:39 file: Destination folder: C:\Archivos de programa\Alwil Software\Avast4

29.01.2009 10:02:39 package: LoadProductVpu: C:\DOCUME~1\CUENTA~1\CONFIG~1\Temp\_av_sfx.tm~a02492\prod-av_pro.vpu

29.01.2009 10:02:39 package: LoadPartInfo: jrog = jrog-9e returned 00000000

29.01.2009 10:02:39 package: LoadPartInfo: news = news-4b returned 00000000

29.01.2009 10:02:39 package: LoadPartInfo: program = prg_av_pro-510 returned 00000000

29.01.2009 10:02:39 package: LoadPartInfo: setup = setup_av_pro-510 returned 00000000

29.01.2009 10:02:39 package: LoadPartInfo: vps = vps-9011500 returned 00000000

29.01.2009 10:02:39 package: LoadProductVpu: C:\DOCUME~1\CUENTA~1\CONFIG~1\Temp\_av_sfx.tm~a02492\prod-av_pro.vpu ended with 00000000

29.01.2009 10:02:39 package: Part prg_av_pro-510 was set to be installed

29.01.2009 10:02:39 package: Part vps-9011500 was set to be installed

29.01.2009 10:02:39 package: Part news-4b was set to be installed

29.01.2009 10:02:39 package: Part setup_av_pro-510 was set to be installed

29.01.2009 10:02:39 package: Part jrog-9e was set to be installed

29.01.2009 10:02:39 package: FilterOutExistingFiles: 159 & 0 = 159

29.01.2009 10:02:40 package: FilterOutExistingFiles: 159 & 0 = 159

29.01.2009 10:02:40 package: FilterOutExistingFiles: 158 & 0 = 158

29.01.2009 10:02:41 package: FilterOutExistingFiles: 158 & 0 = 158

29.01.2009 10:02:41 package: FilterOutExistingFiles: 159 & 0 = 159

29.01.2009 10:02:41 package: FilterOutExistingFiles: 159 & 0 = 159

29.01.2009 10:02:41 general: Operation set to INST_OP_INSTALL

29.01.2009 10:02:41 package: FilterOutExistingFiles: 159 & 0 = 159

29.01.2009 10:02:41 package: FilterOutExistingFiles: 159 & 0 = 159

29.01.2009 10:02:41 package: FilterOutExistingFiles: 159 & 0 = 159

29.01.2009 10:02:41 package: FilterOutExistingFiles: 159 & 0 = 159

29.01.2009 10:02:42 package: FilterOutExistingFiles: 159 & 0 = 159

29.01.2009 10:02:42 package: FilterOutExistingFiles: 159 & 0 = 159

29.01.2009 10:02:43 general: Selected group: Skins

29.01.2009 10:02:43 general: Selected group: Instant Messaging

29.01.2009 10:02:43 general: Selected group: P2P Shield

29.01.2009 10:02:43 general: Selected group: Internet Mail

29.01.2009 10:02:43 general: Selected group: Outlook/Exchange

29.01.2009 10:02:43 general: Selected group: Network Shield

29.01.2009 10:02:43 general: Selected group: Web Shield

29.01.2009 10:02:43 general: Selected group: Standard Shield

29.01.2009 10:02:43 general: Selected group: Professional Edition

29.01.2009 10:02:43 general: Selected group: Script Blocking

29.01.2009 10:02:43 general: Selected group: Spanish language extension

29.01.2009 10:02:43 general: Selected group: Spanish help

29.01.2009 10:02:43 package: FilterOutExistingFiles: 159 & 0 = 159

29.01.2009 10:02:43 package: FilterOutExistingFiles: 159 & 0 = 159

29.01.2009 10:02:44 general: progress thread start

29.01.2009 10:02:44 internet: SYNCER: Agent=Syncer/4.80 (av_pro-1296;f)

29.01.2009 10:02:44 package: LoadProductVpu: C:\DOCUME~1\CUENTA~1\CONFIG~1\Temp\_av_sfx.tm~a02492\prod-av_pro.vpu

29.01.2009 10:02:44 package: LoadPartInfo: jrog = jrog-9e returned 00000000

29.01.2009 10:02:44 package: LoadPartInfo: news = news-4b returned 00000000

29.01.2009 10:02:44 package: LoadPartInfo: program = prg_av_pro-510 returned 00000000

29.01.2009 10:02:44 package: LoadPartInfo: setup = setup_av_pro-510 returned 00000000

29.01.2009 10:02:44 package: LoadPartInfo: vps = vps-9011500 returned 00000000

29.01.2009 10:02:44 package: LoadProductVpu: C:\DOCUME~1\CUENTA~1\CONFIG~1\Temp\_av_sfx.tm~a02492\prod-av_pro.vpu ended with 00000000

si puede y quiere ayudarme le estaria agradecido

Comentarios adicionales: El problema surgió justo despues de agregar o quitar hardware en el PC.

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