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Problemas de configuracion de router

2008-11-21 16:21 - Respuestas: 1 - Tema nº: 2555768

Características: Windows XP Profesional intel celerond disco duro de 10gb ram 384.

en el proceso de cofiguracion del router tew-432brp se tara en el paso 6/6 "configurando enrutador" y aparece un mensaje error 302

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Re: Problemas de configuracion de router - 2008-12-12 14:23 - Respuesta 2

Hola, a mi me pasó lo mismo y pedí ayuda a Trendnet.
Esta fué la respuesta.
Espero te sirva. (está en inglés)

Helpdesk Ticket ID# 8244
Submitted: 12/11/2008 4:29:47 AM

Print Helpdesk Request

Contact Information
Company: Customer ID:
Name: Email: fisidro@tecnoaccion.com.ar
Address: City:
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Zipcode: Phone:
Helpdesk Ticket Status

Status: Worked On — Your Helpdesk Request is being worked on
Assigned to: Vincent Magro
Submitted on: 12/11/2008 4:29:47 AM
Last Updated: 12/11/2008 2:08:13 PM
Helpdesk Ticket Info

Model Number: TEW-432BRP
Version: D1.0R
Operating System: Windows XP (32 Bit)
Serial Number:
Firmware Version:
Issue: Issue Category: Error Message

i downloaded the driver in a temp directory. From there i began the installation.
At the end of the installation the following error message is displayed....Error 302, internal error.
Could you help on this issue?

There are no attachments
Notes: 12/11/2008 2:08:13 PM
Vincent Magro
(Technical Support Rep) Dear Customer,

Sometimes the Network Magic – Easy Go software does not work properly, you will have to manually configure the router, below are directions.
1) Connect your modem to the WAN port on the router.
2) Connect your PC to one of the LAN ports on the router and restart your computer.
A) Check your IP Address For Vista go to Start - - > Start Search (right above the Start Button); type in cmd and press ok - - >at the DOS prompt type in ipconfig and press Enter.
For Win 2000 Pro, XP, 2003 Server go to Start - - -> Run - - > type cmd press
Enter Or OK.
For Win 98, ME, go to Start - - -> Run - - > type ipconfig press Enter or OK
Click on the drop down arrow and select you Ethernet adapter
B) The IP address should be or so
C) If is not change the Ethernet cable between the router and the computer and press and hold down the reset button on the back for 15 seconds.
3) Open Internet Explorer and in the address line type in then press Enter.
4) It will prompt you for a username and password. They are both “admin” by default. Without the quotes and they are case sensitive.

For PPPoE DSL do the following

1) Click on Main on the left hand side
2) Click on WAN under it
3) For the connection method choose PPPoE
3) Enter in the username and password provided to you by your Internet Service Provider (ISP).
4) Click apply
5) Go to Status; scroll down to WAN, three lines below you will see IP there should numbers there (example and not Zeros
6) If you are getting Zeros for an IP address.
a) Disconnect the power supply from your router and modem. Do not use an on/off switch. Disconnect the power supplies.
b) Wait approximately 3 minutes
c) Reconnect the modem first and wait approximately 1 minute for it to boot up.
d) Reconnect the router and wait approximately 1 minute for it to boot up.
e) Check the IP address. If you are still getting Zeros, check with your ISP to verify that you have the correct PPPoE User Name and Password and or try setting up the for a Dynamic connection.

If you have Cable or Dynamic DSL connection configure the router as directed below

1) Click on Main on the left hand side
2) Click on WAN under it.
3) For the connection method it should be on DHCP Client or Fixed IP address
4) Click on the “Clone MAC Address” button.
6) Click Apply
7) Go to Status; scroll down to WAN, three lines below you will see IP there should numbers there (example and not Zeros.
8) If you have Zeros for an IP Address power cycle the router and modem in the following fashion.
a) Disconnect the power supply from your router and modem. Do not use an on/off switch. Disconnect the power supplies.
b) Wait approximately 3 minutes
c) Reconnect the modem first and wait approximately 1 minute for it to boot up.
d) Reconnect the router and wait approximately 1 minute for it to boot up.
e) Test the Internet connection

If you are unable to get online please log back into the router and click on Status on the left hand side. Reply with the information in the WAN section of the Status page.


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